Fragile States and COVID 19- Afghanistan Project


The upcoming intra-Afghan negotiations present an opportunity for Canada to strengthen women’s participation in the peace process. The meaningful inclusion of women in the peace process is essential for successful negotiations. Moreover, taking such initiative can strengthen Canada’s bid for a seat on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The Post-Pandemic Peace, Humanitarian, and Development Fund for Local Afghan Women (3PHD-FLAW) ensures the meaningful participation of women and girls in the upcoming intra-Afghan peace process. Over a four-year plan, this initiative will extend the mandate of an existing Canadian funded Afghan Women’s Empowerment Program led by the Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC), a humanitarian-development hybrid organization. The program would be funded by a joint initiative from Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the Department of National Defense (DND), and the AKFC. A total of $22 million will be devoted to 3PHDFLAW.