Saturday, January 9, 2010CIFP Yemen BriefThe evolution towards Yemeni statehood can be viewed as the convergence of two separate and conflicting societies. North Yemen, know known as the Yemen Arab Republic (YAR), was ruled by the Ottoman Empire until its dissolution. In sharp contrast, South Yemen was ruled by the British until 1937 when it became a crown colony.... MoreFriday, October 23, 2009Fragility Users Guide (web)State fragility has become a buzzword in international development policy. The re-emergence of “the state” as a central actor in developing countries has several causes: state fragility is closely linked with security issues at the top of the foreign policy agendas of donor countries; the current international financial crisis has made it... MoreFriday, October 2, 2009W2I Report“Genocide is the denial of the right to existence of entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings; such denial of the right of existence shocks the conscience of mankind, results in great losses to humanity in the form of cultural and other contributions represented... MoreSaturday, September 12, 2009Woody Woo Center June 5 2009 PresentationWoody Woo Center June 5 2009... MoreThursday, August 6, 2009Latest Rankingslatest... MoreFriday, July 3, 2009Global Responsibility to Protect – The Role Of Regional OrganisationsGlobal Responsibility to Protect - The Role Of Regional... MoreTuesday, June 30, 2009Honduras Risk Assessment BriefDiscovered in 1502, Honduras remained under Spanish administration until achieving independence in 1821. Military rule, which began in 1963 with a military coup that displaced a democratically-elected regime in 1963, lasted until the reinstatement of democracy in 1982. The current president, Manuel Zelaya (PLH), gained office in 2006. His program... MoreTuesday, June 9, 2009Preventing and rebuilding fragile states, final agendaAs the United States copes with huge challenges in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, other fragile states hang in the balance that may pose threats such as global terrorism, civil wars, genocide, economic collapse, humanitarian crisis, criminal networks, and illicit trafficking in arms, drugs, and persons. To address fragile and failed states, it... MoreMonday, April 20, 2009Impact of financial situation on state fragility and conflict – GSRD ReportIt has been difficult to find examples of in-depth analysis on the impact of economic crises, past or present, on conflict, fragility and social stability. Many of the experts contacted for this research report, while recognising the importance of the question, were unable to point towards relevant literature. This report aims to build a... MoreMonday, March 23, 2009How to Research Afghanistan – DfID PerspectivesThis query response looks at various political economy approaches and methodologies, including new political economy; institutional economics; drivers of change/politics of development; sustainable livelihoods; and early warning models and conflict analysis. While not all are designed specifically for the fragile state contexts, the concepts and... MoreMonday, March 23, 2009Security, Development and the Fragile State Bridging the Gap between Theory and PolicyRecent contributions often see the fragile state as either a problem of development or of security. This volume argues that that neither perspective on its own is a sufficient basis for good policy. In a wide-ranging treatment, drawing on large samples as well as case studies, the authors create an alternative model of the... MoreWednesday, March 11, 2009The Congo A Risk Assessment Brief 2009The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a resource rich country that possesses an abundance of minerals, oil, fertile land, and tropical rainforests. A long history of exploitation, repression, conflict and mismanagement has prevented the Congolese people from benefiting from these natural resources. The Congo A Risk Assessment Brief... MoreWednesday, March 11, 2009CIFP Fragile States Report Afghanistan 2009CIFP Fragile States Report Afghanistan... MoreWednesday, March 11, 2009CIFP Fragile States Report Afghanistan 2009CIFP Fragile States Report Afghanistan... MoreFriday, March 6, 2009Regional Report Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and NepalRegional Report Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and... MoreWednesday, February 25, 2009CIFP Fragility Rankings 2008CIFP Fragility Rankings... MoreMonday, February 2, 2009THOUGHT LEADERSHIP IN DEVELOPMENT A SAMPLER OF CIDA-SUPPORTED KNOWLEDGE WORK AND INNOVATIONS – SGDE-EDRMS -#3938905As part of its support for sustainable development in partner countries around the world, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) sponsors a broad range of research, knowledge work, and thought leadership across geographic and thematic sectors. Acknowledging the critical role of evidence in policy making and programming, CIDA’s... MoreSaturday, January 10, 2009Failed and Fragile States – CMPS Special Issue!Failed and Fragile States - CMPS Special... MoreMonday, December 22, 2008Understanding Fragility- A Tripartite Approach – Conference SummaryLast month a diverse array of 'government, civil society and engaged scholars' came together at Carleton University to debate approaches toward fragile and failed states. Participants had the opportunity to engage in a frank, wide-ranging discussion on how Canadian policy can move forward in places like Somalia, Sudan and, most notably,... MoreSaturday, November 29, 2008World Vision Tools for Working Fragile ContextsWorld Vision Tools for Working Fragile... MoreThursday, November 27, 2008FPA CIFP November 25 2008111FPA CIFP November 25... MoreTuesday, November 11, 2008CIFP – Canada’s Involvement in Fragile States – Relevance and ImpactCIFP - Canada's Involvement in Fragile States - Relevance and... MoreThursday, November 6, 2008Fragile States CIFP-Carleton ConferenceFragile States CIFP-Carleton... MoreThursday, July 31, 2008CIIA-CIFP Report on Fragile StatesCIIA-CIFP Report on Fragile... MoreMonday, July 7, 2008CIFP FS Zimbabwe 2007CIFP FS Zimbabwe... MoreMonday, July 7, 2008CIFP FS Indonesia 2007CIFP FS Indonesia... MoreMonday, July 7, 2008CIFP FS Philippines 2007CIFP FS Philippines... MoreTuesday, April 8, 2008CIFP Fragile States Concept Paper – Part 2 of 2CIFP Fragile States Concept Paper - Part 2 of... MoreTuesday, April 8, 2008CIFP Fragile States Concept Paper – Part 1 of 2CIFP Fragile States Concept Paper - Part 1 of... MoreSunday, April 6, 2008Fragile States: Monitoring and Assessment – The Way ForwardFragile States: Monitoring and Assessment - The Way... MoreSunday, April 6, 2008CIFP Fragility Report November 2006CIFP Fragility Report November... MoreSunday, April 6, 2008Country Fragility Assessments in Brief – A Primer for AnalystsCountry Fragility Assessments in Brief - A Primer for... MoreFriday, December 31, 2004CIFP’s Latest Ranking for Pakistan (2004)CIFP's Latest Ranking for Pakistan... More« Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: