Monday, January 6, 2020Myanmar Fragility Brief 2020Executive Summary Myanmar is stuck in an authority-legitimacy feedback loop that has been reinforced by a rentier regime. Following the historical election in 2015 that was widely acclaimed to be free and fair, Myanmar remains a hybrid regime with horizontal inequalities along ethnic and religious lines. Bamar Buddhism and military power continues... MoreWednesday, May 8, 20192019 Ukraine Commission On Landmine And Other Explosives Alert, Notify, Educate, RemoveExecutive Summary Too often lost amidst the headlines of a conflict are the people, communities, and livelihoods caught between the major players. In Ukraine, violence between central government forces and Donbas region separatists has had profound and tragic consequences for civilian populations. Landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERWs)... MoreWednesday, May 8, 20192019 Sanitation Outreach And Accessibility Project – CameroonExecutive Summary The nation of Cameroon was formed via a merger of two distinct colonial territories, one administered by the British and the other by the French. The two territories initially joined together in 1961 as a federation called the Federal Republic of Cameroon, but in 1972 the federation was abolished in favour of... MoreWednesday, May 8, 20192019 Democratically Engaged LibyaExecutive Summary Libya remains in flux between violent conflict and dialogue. The notion of peace has the potential to materialize; with the upcoming National Conference, the two major factions have the option to decide on the future of their country. If the disputing sides choose to continue using channels of communications rather than violence,... MoreWednesday, May 8, 20192019 Canadian Action for Integration in CameroonExecutive Summary To be implemented over a period of six and a half years, the Canadian Action for Integration in Cameroon project, or CAIC, is purposed with fostering a lasting peace between Anglophone Cameroonians and the national government. The project is twofold; consisting of a preliminary mediatory phase that is to be immediately followed... MoreFriday, March 1, 2019Jordan 2019 Fragile States Policy BriefThis policy brief finds that the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s (Jordan’s) state legitimacy is declining. Jordan’s currently classified as a brittle state as the general function of the state is particularly fragile, yet the Jordanian government’s slow pace in curbing corruption and slow economic growth has resulted in large scale group... MoreFriday, March 1, 2019Haiti 2019 Fragile States Policy BriefThe following policy report focuses on the capacity and legitimacy trap Haiti faces resulting from its long history of fragility. Governance, security & crime, and economic/human development are identified as the main drivers of fragility in Haiti. We recommend the second policy option we have presented; the Government of Canada should call... MoreWednesday, January 16, 2019Mauritania 2019 Fragile States Policy BriefExecutive Summary Mauritania is stuck in a capacity trap with horizontal inequalities across ethnic lines. The state’s limited capacity to provide basic public services, coupled with persistent inequalities, undermine its legitimacy and authority. Ethnic bias persists in all spheres of life. Discrimination targets Afro-Mauritanians and Haratine,... MoreSaturday, January 12, 2019Zambia 2019 Fragile States Policy BriefExecutive Summary After establishing multi-party democracy in 1991 Zambia is a state that has enjoyed a stable level of democracy and governance absent significant political violence and conflict. However the past decade has seen a steady decline in implementing effective economic policy, resource management and governance - leaving Zambia in a... MoreSaturday, January 12, 2019Takijistan 2019 Fragile States Policy BriefExecutive Summary The following policy brief adopts a development-oriented approach to investigate Tajikistan's experience with fragility, focusing on the questions of how and what weaknesses in the country's development are drivers for further fragility. This approach also aligns with the selected end user, the United Nations Development... MoreSaturday, January 12, 2019Mali 2019 Fragile States Policy BriefExecutive Summary This policy brief finds that Mali is suffering from a capacity trap: a failure to provide basic services (equally across the territory and across groups) has weakened the social contract and undermined the legitimacy of the state. Mali also suffers from an authority problem, linked to the state’s lack of capacity to... MoreMonday, May 14, 2018The Practical Certificate in International Conflict Prevention – NPSIA PTDNPSIA-PT&D is pleased to announce the 2-day pilot of The Practical Certificate in International Conflict Prevention workshop offered in cooperation with the Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation (CIIAN). With the United Nations recent focus on conflict prevention, increased attention is now being paid to pre-emptive,... MoreThursday, April 19, 2018Venezuela Project Proposal: The R.E.V. InitiativeAs the economic, political, and humanitarian crisis continues in Venezuela, international assistance is required to address the grievances of the populace and alleviate the human suffering to prevent an escalation of violence and maintain domestic and regional stability. The R.E.V. Initiative is a proposal for a Track II strategy presented to... MoreThursday, April 19, 2018South Sudan Project Proposal: E-HATThis proposal provides the outline of Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC) Ethnic Harmony and Trust (E-HAT) in South Sudan Project. The recipients of this project are community leaders/elders and women leaders. The E-HAT project’s main objectives are to reduce intercommunal violence and increase trust between communities in South Sudan through the... MoreThursday, April 19, 2018DRC Project ProposalOn March 14, 2018, DRC Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala confirmed elections would occur in December 2018, and current President Kabila would not be running, in order to introduce a free and fair electoral process.1 However, President Kabila is set to name a successor candidate in July 2018. Global Affairs Canada (GAC) has been chosen... MoreThursday, April 19, 2018South Sudan Project Proposal: AJLLand disputes have become a significant driver of conflict at the community level in South Sudan, whose population is largely rural in nature. Given that land is of central importance to South Sudanese people, the Access to Justice and Land (AJL) initiative is a four-year pilot project aimed at addressing conflict caused by land... MoreMonday, April 2, 20182018 Venezuela – Relief and Engagement Initiative in VenezuelaAs the economic, political, and humanitarian crisis continues in Venezuela, international assistance is required to address the grievances of the populace and alleviate the human suffering to prevent an escalation of violence and maintain domestic and regional stability. The R.E.V. Initiative is a proposal for a Track II strategy presented to... MoreMonday, April 2, 20182018 South Sudan – Ethnic Harmony and TrustThis proposal provides the outline of Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC) Ethnic Harmony and Trust (E-HAT) in South Sudan Project. The recipients of this project are community leaders/elders and women leaders. The E-HAT project’s main objectives are to reduce intercommunal violence and increase trust between communities in South Sudan through the... MoreMonday, April 2, 20182018 South Sudan – Access to Justice and LandLand disputes have become a significant driver of conflict at the community level in South Sudan, whose population is largely rural in nature. Given that land is of central importance to South Sudanese people, the Access to Justice and Land (AJL) initiative is a four-year pilot project aimed at addressing conflict caused by land... MoreMonday, April 2, 20182018 DRC – The Canadian Supplementary Stabilization Mission in the DRCOn March 14, 2018, DRC Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala confirmed elections would occur in December 2018, and current President Kabila would not be running, in order to introduce a free and fair electoral process. However, President Kabila is set to name a successor candidate in July 2018. Global Affairs Canada (GAC) has been chosen... MoreThursday, March 8, 20182018 Conflict Risk Diagnostic: Democratic Republic of CongoIn 1960, the DRC gained independence from King Leopold II and Belgium after nationalist uprisings in now called Kinshasa. The newly independent Congo quickly became plagued with scandal, corruption, and civil conflict. In 1965, Joseph Mobuto becomes President in a coup d’état, renames the Zaire, and remains in power for 32 years. In 1994,... MoreThursday, March 8, 20182018 Conflict Risk Diagnostic: VenezuelaThis report analyzes the risk of conflict in Venezuela using the nine-cluster analytical framework developed by the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) project. Based on an examination of structural data as well as events for each cluster, economic performance, governance and human developed are deemed as high risks; militarization,... MoreWednesday, March 7, 20182018 Conflict Risk Assessment Report: South SudanThis diagnostic report examines trends in structural factors in South Sudan since 2m013 based on risk assessment indicators, global trends, and key stakeholder interactions. Based on this assessment the conflict in South Sudan is likely to deteriorate due to high food insecurity, a collapsing economy, ongoing neglect of the 2015 peace agreement,... MoreWednesday, March 7, 20182018 Conflict Risk Assessment Report Palestinian Territories: West Bank and Gaza StripThe ongoing conflict in the Palestinian territories has largely been characterized by its protracted history of armed conflict, fragile governance and high levels of political instability. Due to its history of armed conflicts, the Palestinian territories have produced millions of refugees, with 5.3 registered refugees as of 2017. The tensions... MoreMonday, January 15, 2018CIFP 2017 Fragility ReportFragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCAS) remain more relevant than ever. After a brief period of declining fragility coinciding with a slow economic recovery since the 2008 global financial crisis, conflicts, violence and fragility are on the rise again. In the last decade or so, we have seen an increase in armed conflicts and violence... MoreWednesday, May 3, 2017Categorization of States From Strong to WeakCategorization of States From Strong to... MoreWednesday, May 3, 2017The-J-Curve-Revisited Backsliding and Reversal Among Unstable StatesThe-J-Curve-Revisited Backsliding and Reversal Among Unstable... MoreSunday, April 2, 2017Canada CARES – Central African Republic ProjectCanada CARES - Central African Republic... MoreFriday, February 3, 2017Mali Fragile State Analysis and Policy OptionsMali is one of the world’s 19 most fragile countries. Its severe fragility is exacerbated by an ongoing conflict in the country’s north. We assess the country’s key drivers of fragility and develop policies to begin addressing the conflict and support the move out of fragility. Mali Fragile State Analysis and Policy... MoreMonday, January 30, 2017Honduras Fragile State Analysis and Policy OptionsHonduras has exited fragility, but current trends raise concerns that the country may be stuck in a legitimacy trap or that conditions may worsen in the state, leading to continued or increased violence and impunity. Honduras’ legitimacy trap emerges from the consolidation of authority through an increase in authoritarianism and inequality under... MoreMonday, January 30, 2017Somalia Fragile State Analysis and Policy OptionsDespite billions in aid and a series of international interventions, Somalia has ranked as the world’s most fragile state for much of the past decade. This raises the question as to what is driving fragility within the country and why aid is seemingly ineffective in this context. This report is designed to provide the... MoreWednesday, March 16, 2016CIFP 2016 Fragility ReportThis report provides a global fragility ranking for a total of 198 countries using the Authority, Legitimacy, and Capacity (ALC) cluster scores. The ALC assessment enables us to evaluate the different characteristics of stateness, namely in terms of identifying the sources and extent of both weaknesses and strengths. It also assists policymakers... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015Effective Defence Policy for Responding to Failed and Failing StatesEffective Defence Policy for Responding to Failed and Failing... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015CIFP Fragile State Report – SudanCIFP Fragile State Report -... MoreThursday, August 27, 2015CIFP Fragile State Report – AfghanistanCIFP Fragile State Report -... More« Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next » Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: