The Centre for Research on Inclusion at Work (CRIW) today announced the six recipients of the CRIW Ignite! Special Funding for Literature Reviews. Funded by the RBC Foundation, the funding was issued by CRIW as a one-time supplement to the annual CRIW Ignite! Research Grant. This funding provides financial support for researchers to explore existing literature on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace and uncover new opportunities for research.

CRIW’s leadership sees literature reviews as a means to solidify knowledge and create a strong foundation to conduct more research work. The objective is to create useful assets for CRIW’s research community.

“We hope the results of the literature reviews will form a collection of research that scholars affiliated with CRIW can draw upon to accelerate their research in the field of workplace inclusion,” said CRIW Directors, Luciara Nardon and Andrew Webb. “They should become a usable contribution to all members of CRIW.”

Dr. Nardon and Dr. Webb, were also pleased to see the breadth of the research topics.

“We are thrilled to have strong interest from researchers in the field of inclusion and impressed with the breadth of topics that are being approached by our colleagues.”

The following six research projects received funding:

Indigenous and Anti-Colonial Approaches to Impact Measurement

This literature review explores Indigenous approaches to impact measurement, a discipline rooted in the performance measurement and evaluation of social programs. While there is a significant body of work that examines how non-Indigenous researchers can appropriately evaluate impacts with and on Indigenous people, there is much less examination of if and how Indigenous organizations can adopt impact measurement in ways that are not colonial. Under the guidance of Indigenous impact measurement practitioners, this review will synthesize and critically reflect on Indigenous and anti-colonial approaches to performance measurement. The objective is to inform the development of impact measurement practice in Canada that is inclusive of, and equitable to, Indigenous communities.

The research project will be conducted by:

  • Katherine Ruff, Assistant Professor, Sprott School of Business
  • Cara McGonegal, Independent Researcher

Just Transitions, EDI, Work and the Workplace

This literature review examines just transitions, EDI, work and the workplace. The emerging discipline, just transitions, is an approach to equitable policies and practices for workers and communities as climate change forces industry sectors and organizations to transition to a low-carbon economy. Currently, knowledge about just transitions is fragmented across disciplines, plus just transitions with a lens on EDI, work and workplaces is under-researched. By creating a multidisciplinary framework and identifying opportunities for future research, this review aims to facilitate a more equitable just transition for marginalized voices and communities.

The research project will be conducted by:

  • Rick Colbourne, Associate Dean, Equity, and Inclusive Communities; Assistant Professor, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University
  • Gloria Sanchez, doctoral student in Ethics and Public Affairs, Carleton University
  • Karishma Bristy, doctoral student in Ethics and Public Affairs, Carleton University

Gendered Organizational Culture in Innovation – An Integrative Review

This literature review explores organizational culture to gain insight into the origins of gender inequality and discrimination in the innovation process to date. Existing studies on innovation tend to be predominantly male focused or suggest that women are less innovative. This review will explore the less researched phenomenon of gendered organizational culture and its role in perpetuating men as innovators and women as “less than.” The objective is to create awareness in the organizational policy domains and contribute to the field of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

The research project will be conducted by:

  • Lorraine Dyke, Deputy Provost (Academic Operations and Planning); Professor, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University.
  • Tasnuva Chaudhury, doctoral student in Management, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University

Do Social Enterprises Achieve Higher Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Goals? A Scoping Review of the Empirical Evidence

This literature review examines and synthesizes findings of existing studies on EDI within social enterprises to create an overview of what is currently known in this area. Within EDI, similar work has been conducted about women. This review is broadening the scope by examining representations of other equity deserving groups in social enterprises. Additionally, the review looks to draw comparisons between research findings and educational case development for EDI within social enterprises. The review also aims to suggest directions for future research.

The research project will be conducted by:

  • Leighann Neilson, Academic Director, Graduate Research Programs; Associate Professor, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University
  • Wendy Carroll, Associate Professor, Sobey School of Business Management, Saint Mary’s University
  • Rosemary McGowan, Associate Professor, Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, and the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Sabina Chowdhury, Master’s student, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University

Workplace Mistreatment Among Those Living with Disabilities: A Scoping Review

While much progress has been made towards understanding workplace mistreatment, experiences of people living with disabilities have routinely been excluded from this knowledge creation. Yet, over 1 billion people worldwide, currently live with a disability. It is critical to understand the lived experiences of these individuals. This project’s goal is to comprehensively review existing scholarship on the different (and potentially unique) manifestations of workplace mistreatment encountered by those with a disability, along with any resulting personal and work-based consequences. The ultimate objective is to identify areas for further research.

The research project will be conducted by:

  • Angela Dionisi, Associate Professor, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University
  • Kathryne Dupré, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Carleton University

A Critical Literature Review of Academic Research on EDI in the Accounting Profession

This literature review examines research about EDI within the accounting profession in the last decade, to synthesize findings and identify knowledge gaps. The objective is to move forward research that will help contribute to the inclusiveness of professional accounting practice. Accountants and the accounting profession tend to be models for the many organizations they work with. Therefore, the research team hopes that understanding and fostering EDI among accountants and in the accounting profession may encourage and support EDI in both the profession and the organizations accountants serve.

The research project will be conducted by:

  • Merridee Bujaki, Outgoing Director, CRIW; Professor of Accounting, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University
  • Anne Neal, doctoral student in Management, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University

CRIW Ignite! Special Funding for Literature Reviews is one of the vehicles through which CRIW aims to advance knowledge and drive change towards more inclusive workplaces that welcome and support greater participation of all peoples. For more information, visit CRIW’s web pages on Research Support and Resources and Grants.

CRIW’s research activities and knowledge-sharing efforts are possible, in part, through generous financial support from the RBC Foundation. This funding is providing opportunities for conducting and sharing innovative research on inclusion at work. CRIW is grateful for the RBC Foundation’s support in making its work possible.