Our recent paper “Interplay of Attacker Behaviors and Dependability Attributes in Industrial Control System Impact Analysis” is now available online. In this paper, we adopt the Structured Cyberattack Impact Analysis (SCIA) approach to visualize and quantify, respectively, using simulations and statistical model checking, the potential impact of data tampering attacks when performed by attackers with different behaviors (random, relentless, and informed). The impact analysis results highlight the interplay of ICS dependability attributes in terms of (1) how attacks on ICS security can impact system reliability and availability, (2) how improving security can improve system availability and reliability, and (3) how accepting some sacrifices on one attribute (availability) can end up improving other attributes (security and reliability). This paper was presented at the 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA 2024). See Publications for more details!
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New Publication: Interplay of Attacker Behaviors and Dependability Attributes in Industrial Control System Impact Analysis