Annually Listed DIGH Electives 2024-25

(last updated July 23 2024)

To enroll in DIGH 5011 and DIGH 5012 you must approach the DH Coordinator well in advance of the term start. Both of these require the student to either have arranged supervision with a willing faculty member (for the directed study) or with an organization (for the practicum) in advance. Contact the DH Coordinator for more information.

The following courses can serve as DH electives (in some cases, you will have to ‘apply for an override’). Please contact the DH Coordinator for more information. More courses may be added; check back periodically. Note that some courses (like HIST 5706F) contribute towards the History/Public History DH program but could be used as an elective in a different field, e.g., English & DH.

In general, a potential elective course features content that intersects with digital media/culture, or is one where the instructor would be open to a student taking a DH perspective in the work. You might find courses in the calendar that are not listed here that might be suitable; contact the course instructor and the DH coordinator if you are interested in the possibility of a course not listed below.

In some cases, a 4000-level course might be appropriate and could be taken with appropriate permissions; please contact the coordinator if you’ve found a potential 4000 level course.

Fall 2024

ENGL 5610F: Studies in Contemporary Literature 1 – Fictionality – cross-listed with DIGH 5902F Fall N-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS B. Greenspan
HIST 5906F: Selected Topics – “Historical Game Studies” – cross-listed with DIGH 5902C Fall IN-PERSON: NOT SUITABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS M. Saurette