Please note:

  • The course offerings and instructors listed below are subject to change.
  • The syllabi below are preliminary and are provided to assist with course selection. Syllabi are posted as they are received. Final syllabi will be posted to Brightspace by the Undergraduate Calendar Deadline.
  • All fourth year courses are in a seminar style unless otherwise stated.

The information in all ENGL course outlines may be subject to change in response to evolving public health guidelines related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

First Year / Second Year / Third Year / Fourth Year

First Year

Many of our first-year courses preclude one another which means credit cannot be earned for more than one course. When selecting courses, please be mindful that you cannot enroll or receive credit in more than one of the following courses: FYSM 1004, ENGL 1000 (no longer offered), ENGL 1100, ENGL 1200, ENGL 1300, ENGL 1400, ENGL 1600, and ENGL 1700.

Students are also limited to enrolling in ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1020 as these courses preclude one another. Majors and Minors in any English Program in search of a dedicated writing course should take ENGL 1010 instead of ENGL 1020.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

FYSM 1004A: Reading Literatures and Cultures with S. Birkwood

FYSM 1004B: Reading Literatures and Cultures with E. Post

FYSM 1004C: Reading Literatures and Cultures with J. Medd

FYSM 1004D: Reading Literatures and Cultures with B. Johnson

ENGL 1008B: English Grammar: Fundamentals with A. Wallace

ENGL 1010E: Writing Essays about Literature with K. Gildea

ENGL 1010F: Writing Essays about Literature with K. Gildea

ENGL 1010G: Writing Essays about Literature with M. Scribner

ENGL 1010H: Writing Essays about Literature with M. Scribner

ENGL 1020E: Effective Writing with M. Tittle

ENGL 1020F: Effective Writing with A. Benn

ENGL 1020G: Effective Writing with A. Benn

ENGL 1020H: Effective Writing with K. Sigouin

ENGL 1200A: Literature, Science, and Technology with C. Eaket

ENGL 1500B: Introduction to Creative Writing with N. Bozak

Second Year

ENGL 2100A: Topics in Popular Culture with C. Eaket

ENGL 2107A: Science Fiction with B. Greenspan

ENGL 2109A: Gender, Sexuality and Literature with E. Post

ENGL 2301B: Literatures and Cultures 500-1500 with A. Wallace

ENGL 2302B: Literatures and Cultures 1500-1700 with G. Williams

ENGL 2401A: Digital Humanities: Theo & Method with B. Greenspan

ENGL 2601A: History of World Cinema II

ENGL 2605A: Greek and Roman Drama with L. Gagne

ENGL 2609A: Drama: Modes and Movements with J. Cleveland

ENGL 2802A: Indigenous and Canadian Lit. with S. Birkwood

ENGL 2802B: Indigenous and Canadian Lit. with S. Jamieson

ENGL 2910A: Book Arts Workshop with R. Norris

ENGL 2920B: Top in Decolonization & Migration I with R. Chiasson

ENGL 2927A: African Literatures II with A. Hosein

Third Year

ENGL 3003A: Literatures in Translation with D. Dragunoiu

ENGL 3201A: European Literature with I. Cameron

ENGL 3204A: Literary Representations of Childhood & Youth with M. Tittle

ENGL 3306A: Shakespeare and Film with J. Cleveland

ENGL 3401A: The Book in the Digital Age with M. White

ENGL 3414A: Introduction to Professional Writing & Editing with L. Thompson

ENGL 3500B: Literatures and Cultures 1700-1900 with M. Rooney

ENGL 3501B: Literatures and Cultures 1900-Now with D. Dragunoiu

ENGL 3605A: Modern & Contemp. Literary Theory with S. Murray

ENGL 3805A: Lit. & Culture Russia & Eurasia

ENGL 3903A: Writing Fiction (Intermediate) with K. Molope

ENGL 3904A: Intermediate Drama Workshop with R. Benson

ENGL 3909A: Research & Theo. Wkplace Writing with N. Artemeva

ENGL 3911A: Cultural Studies with F. Nudelman

ENGL 3915A: Special Topics in Writing with N. Bozak

ENGL 3916A: Spoken Word Poetry with N. Otiono

ENGL 3965A: Intro to Postcolonial Theory with A. Hosein

Fourth Year Seminars

ENGL 4115B / CHST 4001A: Culture and the Text with J. Schroeder

ENGL 4135A: Studies in Publishing with J. Mason

ENGL 4301B: Studies in Renaissance Lit. with D. Beecher

ENGL 4301C / ENGL 5303W: Studies in Renaissance Lit. with G. Williams

ENGL 4415A / ALDS 4415A: Professional Writing II with L. Rosove

ENGL 4806A: Studies in Canadian Lit. I with B. Brown

ENGL 4950A: Top. Postcolonial & Diaspora Lit. & Theory with M .Chakravorty

ENGL 4961A / ENGL 5007W: Indigenous Literature II with B. Vellino