Lorna Clark
Degrees: | BA Honours (University College, University of Toronto), MA (University of London), PhD (University of Toronto), Post-doc (McGill University) |
Email: | Lorna.Clark@carleton.ca |
Office: | 1907 Dunton Tower |
Areas of Specialization:
Early modern women writers; the novel as genre; eighteenth and nineteenth century literature; manuscript culture and book history; theory and practice of editing; life-writing; Burney studies.
Recent Honours and Awards:
Travel Award, Congress of ISECS (2023)
SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2017–22)
McGill-ASECS Fellowship (2019)
Royal Bank Foundation, Bodleian Visiting Fellowship (2016–17)
SSHRC 4-A Grant (2013)
SSHRC Standard Research Grant (2007–10)
SSHRCC Post-Doctoral Fellowship, McGill University
Visiting Fellowship, LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Visiting Fellowship, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, University of Toronto
The Letters of Dr. Charles Burney, vol. 2, 1785–93. Clarendon Press, forthcoming.
The Romance of Private Life by Sarah Harriet Burney, edited for Pickering and Chatto, 2008; Routledge, 2016.
Sophia Elizabeth Burney. “Works” and “Novels, Plays, and Poems.” With Sarah Rose Smith. Juvenilia Press, 2016.
The Diary of Lucy Kennedy (1793–1816), vol. 3 of Memoirs of the Court of George III. Pickering and Chatto, 2015.
The Court Journals and Letters of Frances Burney, vol 4. Press, 2014. Nominated for the ASECS Louis Gottschalk Prize and the MLA Morton N. Cohen Award.
The Court Journals and Letters of Frances Burney, vol 3, 1788. Clarendon Press, 2014. Nominated for the ASECS Louis Gottschalk Prize and the MLA Morton N. Cohen Award.
A Celebration of Frances Burney, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007.
The Letters of Sarah Harriet Burney, University of Georgia Press, 1997. Nominated for the MLA Morton N. Cohen Award and the British Council Prize.
Recent Articles (last 5 years):
“Adventures in the Archives: Letters at the Borthwick Institute.” Tulsa Studies: Women and Archives (Special Issue) 40.1 (Spring 2021). Guest Editors Laura Engel and Emily Rutter. 137–49.
“Growing up Burney and the Role of a Commonplace Book.” Journal of Juvenilia Studies 3 (2020–21), 3–20.
“Charles Burney at Oxford: the musical collection at Christ Church.” Musical Times 16 (Autumn 2020), 73–84.
“Women and their Publishers: A Case of Two Burneys.” Publishing History 81 (2019), 7–39.
“Frances Burney and the Marketplace.” Lumen 28 (2019), 31–52.
“’Tis best to build no Castles in the Air’: Romantic Fantasy meets Economic Reality in Frances Burney’s Court Journals.” Burney Journal 15 (2018), 7–35.
“‘Teaching the young idea how to shoot’: the Juvenilia of the Burney Family.” Journal of Juvenilia Studies 1 (2018), 20–36.
“The Literary Legacy of Sarah Harriet Burney.” Eighteenth-Century Life 42.2 (April 2018), 112–130.
“Frances Burney’s methods of narrating the court experience.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 40.2 (June 2017), 223–35.
Recent Essays and Chapters (last 5 years):
Entries on Clarentine (1796); Geraldine Fauconberg (1808); Traits of Nature (1812), Tales of Fancy (1816–20). The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660–1820. Ed. April London. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
“Frances Burney.” The Routledge Companion to Romantic Women Writers. Ed. Ann R. Hawkins, S. Blackwell and E. Leigh Bonds. London and New York: Routledge, 2023. 149–65.
“Sarah Harriet Burney.” The Routledge Companion to Romantic Women Writers. Ed. Ann R. Hawkins, S. Blackwell and E. Leigh Bonds. London: Routledge, 2023. 166–71.
‘The Contagion of Example: Inspiration and the Muses.’ Frances Burney and the Arts. Ed. Francesca Saggini. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. Ch. 8. 111–26.
“First letter and first writings in the Burney Family Archive.” First letters / Premières lettres in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Ed. Alain Kerhervé and Catherine ThomasRipault. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020. 9–22.
“An ambitious and quixotic series: the ever-shifting role of the editor.” Editing Women’s Writing 1670–1840. Ed. Amy Culley and Anna M. Fitzer. Chawton Studies in Scholarly Editing series. Gen. eds Stephen Bending and Stephen Bygrave. London and New York: Routledge, 2018. 18–28.