Photo of Michael Conlon

Michael Conlon

Executive Director, Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA)

Degrees:B.A. (Western University), M.A. (Carleton University), Ph.D. (University of Victoria)

I completed my MA at Carleton in 1994 and went on to complete my PhD at the University of Victoria. My time at Carleton was absolutely crucial to my intellectual and personal development. The Graduate Director at the time, Dr. Larry McDonald, took a chance on me and admitted me to the program provisionally on the basis of completing a qualifying year. When I graduated in 1994 I was awarded the University Medal and went on to secure a SSHRC fellowship and complete my PhD . I benefited from the superb scholarship and professionalism of Dr. Barbara Leckie throughout my tenure at Carleton and she stands out as a model of what a professional, kind, and rigorous supervisor should be in the academy. I was also fortunate to move through the program with a cohort of incredibly talented graduate students, several of whom went on to accomplished academic careers. The intellectual energy, dedication to craft, and collegiality that marked my time in the English Department at Carleton have remained with me throughout my career.

After completing my PhD at the University of Victoria I taught as a sessional for a number of years and then began a career path in activism and public policy. I currently serve as Executive Director of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). Prior to this appointment I served as Executive Director of the British Columbia Confederation of University Faculty Associations. In addition to these appointments I have held a number of senior policy roles including Senior Policy Advisor to the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities in Ontario.