Photo of Emily Baird

Emily Baird

Degrees:BA Combined Honours English and Human Rights & Social Justice (Carleton, 2019)

Currently, I am completing my MA at UBC in Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice and am a poetry editor of Decomp journal. This summer, I will be working as a Sustainability Scholar for the Gender Inclusion and Rapid Transit Facility Design Project. The aim of this project is to ensure that Vancouver’s new sustainable transportation network is accessible to people of all genders, particularly considering gender differences in income levels, participation in the labour market, physical accessibility, safety, and care work responsibilities.

My English degree from Carleton helped me get a job teaching English as an additional language and get my poetry published in two journals. I am now a poetry editor of Decomp, the UBC Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice Department’s journal. The communication and critical-analysis skills I developed in the degree have been extremely useful in every job I’ve had since graduating. I will also continue to write poetry, likely for the rest of my life.

I chose Carleton because I wanted to study both English and Human Rights & Social Justice. I couldn’t choose between the two, so Carleton was a great option because it allowed me to take a Combined Honours degree.