Emily Franzo
Degrees: | M.A. (Brock University), B.A. (Brock University) |
Email: | emilyfranzo@cmail.carleton.ca |
Indigenous Literatures, Young People’s Literature, Speculative Fiction, Comics and Graphic Novels, Post-Colonial Theory, Settler-Colonial Studies, Creative Writing
My current research explores the representation of temporality in speculative fiction novels by Anishinaabe authors. I am interested in how these authors mobilize the Anishinaabe concept of bisakaabiiyang, or “returning to ourselves,” within their texts to consider how their characters can survive during an ongoing apocalypse. I explore how this concept, rooted in self-reflexivity, is put into practice when the characters orient themselves to their communities and ancestral bonds. A focus on ancestral relations helps to push back on Western linear time, instead seeing the past, present and future as forging a symbiotic relationship. As a settler scholar, I am aware of and try to implement Indigenous-focused pedagogical practices in my methodology wherever appropriate.
– “Indigenous Slipstream and Intergenerational Futures in Cherie Dimaline’s The Marrow Thieves.” Paper, presented at the Indigenous Literary Studies Association conference. Winnipeg, MB. May 2024.
– “The Damaged-Centered Publishing Industry and Indigenous Literatures.” Paper, presented at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. York University, Toronto, ON. May 2023
– ““For You”: Indigenous Tik Tok Creators and Methods of Resistance.” Paper, presented at the Association for Canadian College and University Teachers in English Annual Conference. Montreal, Quebec. May 2022.
– “The ABC’s of OCD” and “Nine.” The Lamp, vol. 12 Queen’s University, Kingston ON. Sept. 2022.
– Teaching Assistant. ENGL 2011: Children’s Literature. Fall 2023.
– Teaching Assistant. FILM 2607: History of World Cinema. Winter 2024.
– Gordon J. Wood Memorial Scholarship, Carleton University (2023-2024)
– Wilfred Peltier Scholarship, Carleton University (2023-2024)
– Marilyn Rose Graduate Award, Brock University (2021-2022)