Ryan Conrad is participating in a book launch event for a new anthology of queer writing about growing up with the AIDS crisis that just came out from Arsenal Pulp Press.

His contribution is about growing up outside the metropolises and the role film/video/tv played in teaching me about queer HIV/AIDS histories, politics, and survival in the ’80s and ’90s.

There’s an event on Monday November 1st Event details below!

Between Certain Death and a Possible Future: Queer Writing on Growing up with the AIDS Crisis

*Ottawa Writers Fest Book Launch!*

Speakers: Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Ryan Conrad, Alexander McClelland, Kate Doyle Griffiths, & Eddie Walker

Date:  Monday November 1, 2021  |  7:30 PM ET

Location: Zoom

Event link: https://writersfestival.org/events/fall-2021-live-online-events/between-certain-death-and-a-possible-future