Dr. Fady Shanouda, assistant professor at the Feminist Institute of Social Transformation, will be one of two keynote speakers at the 2023 Jean-Paul Dionne Symposium. The Jean-Paul Dionne Symposium is an annual bilingual research conference organized by graduate students from the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa.


Founded in 1985 by Professor Jean-Paul Dionne, the Symposium has grown to encompass two full days of activities and attracts graduate students from across Canada and the United States to participate.

Dr. Shanouda will share his insights on the second day of the symposium, Friday, March 2 (10:00 AM – 11:30 AM), which is titled “Maddening Higher Education: Beyond Frameworks and Transfers.” This event is hybrid, and will be live-streamed and recorded to be made available at a later date.

You can register here to receive the event details and link. You can also view the full schedule here.