Dr. Amrita Hari (FIST Director and Associate Professor) and Dr. Luciara Nardon (Co-Director of the Centre for Research on Inclusion at Work and Professor at Sprott School of Business), discuss the Canadian labour shortage in a recent interview and article. They shared their research on the complexities and barriers that contribute to the shortage and the impacts this has on newcomer immigrants; “no matter how well-educated, highly skilled and motivated an economic migrant or refugee might be, the transition from arriving in a new country to securing meaningful employment is rarely smooth.” The Carleton researchers, Hari and Nardon, share insight on possible solutions in their open access publication they’ve co-authored: “Making Sense of Immigrant Work Integration“, recently released in 2022.

Two women pose for a photo.

Dr. Luciara Nardon (left) and Dr. Amrita Hari (right).

Check out their interview and the article here: Immigration, Integration and the Economy: Mapping out a solution to Canada’s labour shortage