Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

2020-21 Health Sciences Seminar Series – Spatial Determinants of Health Lab

January 14, 2020 at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Location:2308 Health Sciences Building

The Department of Health Sciences is pleased to announce the next seminar in our seminar series.

Presenter: Paul Peters, Sam Petrie, and Claudia Sendanyoye, Spatial Determinants of Health Lab

Title: Free Range International Knowledge Partnership: Expanding the scope of rural health research

The Free Range International Knowledge Partnership is an international collaboration of institutes and researchers who have made community-level rural research a priority. Now in its second year, Free Range has supported over 30 scholars for a range of activities including attending international workshops; conducting field research; and contributing to academic publications.
Scholars, research mentors and community partners have worked collaboratively on a variety of projects and produced a range of knowledge outputs related to their academic goals. This talk
will introduce the Free Range Partnership, discuss our theoretical perspectives and how they fit with health research, and (importantly) highlight the work and experience of two Free Range Scholars.