Thank you for attending the 16th Annual Heritage Conservation Symposium!

Towards Reparative Futures: heritage conservation paradigms for social justice

Registration for this year’s symposium is now closed. Thank you to all our sponsors! The programme is now available here.



The Carleton University Heritage Conservation Symposium is a one-day event organized by graduate students, alumni, and faculty at the School of Canadian Studies and the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism. This year, we are partnering with Carleton’s Ottawa Research Collaborative. The event brings together students, academics and professionals in critical discussion on issues related to heritage studies and heritage conservation theory and practice.

The annual event began in 2004 under the direction of the late Herb Stovel, who was at that time Associate Professor at the School and coordinator of the Heritage Conservation Program. Since then, the Symposium has been held on topics such as heritage designation, multivocal heritage practices, heritage and technology, borders in heritage conservation, heritage and identities, and most recently, authenticity in conservation practice. 

The Herb Stovel Memorial Lecture is often organized in conjunction with the Symposium. More information on the annual lecture is available here.


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We look forward to seeing you in April!