sbucking-200x200We are pleased to announce that Dr. Scott Bucking has joined NSERC CREATE Heritage Engineering as one of 11 co-applicant professors. Prof. Bucking is an Assistant Professor in Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University) with a cross-appointment to the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism. He holds an M.Eng. (2008) and a Ph.D. (2014) in Building Engineering from Concordia University and completed a postdoc at McMaster University in Mechanical Engineering (2015). Prof. Bucking has developed software to automate the creation, simulation and interpretation of models which emulate the energy and economic performance of buildings. His research areas include:

  • the optimization of net-zero energy buildings and communities and the development of analytical techniques to identify community design;
  • development of building integrated photovoltaic technologies;
  • community rendering using video game engines; and
  • building information model development to improve the inter-operability of tools and better manage community assets throughout the entire building life-cycle.

Prof. Bucking will contribute to Research tracks #2 (Building Sustainability Simulation) and #3 (Building Rehabilitation) of the program. He will be available to supervise NSERC CREATE students who are interested in the application of BIM to heritage and existing buildings.