Industry Partnership Services (IPS) seeks to assist Carleton researchers with all aspects of developing effective research relationships. We help Carleton researchers reach agreements with organizations in Ottawa, across Canada, and around the world.

Specifically, IPS provides support by:

Process: Obtaining a Research Contract

Where to Start

  • Industry and Partnership Services (IPS)  provides advisory services to Carleton faculty who want to establish research related agreements with industry, government, other universities and community partners.
  • It is important to involve IPS in the early stages of the discussion with your partner(s).
  • IPS can lead the negotiation between you, your partner(s) and the University.
  • IPS can draft the agreement between Carleton and one or more partners according to the specific requirements of the collaboration.
  • If you receive a collaboration agreement from a partner, IPS can review, advise, provide clarification and lead the negotiation on your behalf to achieve the most favorable terms for a successful partnership.

Find Sponsors to Support your Research

  • For assistance on finding a partner for your research, please contact a member of the IPS team.


  1. Initial discussion between faculty member and IPS regarding the statement of work, goals of the partnership, intellectual property and licensing rights, publication requirements, etc.
  2. IPS drafts a contract (or reviews the partner’s draft) and discusses it with faculty.
  3. Once the faculty member(s) and IPS are in agreement with the draft contract, this document is sent to the partner(s) with any suggested revisions and/or recommendations.
  4. If needed, IPS can arrange a meeting with the partner(s) to resolve any remaining issues.
  5. When all the parties agree to the terms and conditions, IPS facilitates contract signature by an authorized signatory of Carleton University and sends the agreement to Research Financial Services for fund opening.

Important Things to Remember


Visit “Who can help me with…?”  for a detailed description of the respective responsibilities of the various divisions of Carleton research services, and a directory of helpful documents, and forms and templates. You can also contact our team for assistance at (613)520-2600 x 3570, or inquire with the following departments for more information:
