The Landon Pearson Resource Centre was created with a powerful vision: every child in Canada will grow up aware of his or her rights and responsibilities and enabled to exercise them within a receptive and respectful society.
At the heart of the Centre’s dream is its commitment to facilitating opportunities for youth to increase their civic and political participation, by giving them the tools to be advocates for social change and by disseminating knowledge to educators, decision-makers, advocates and youth.
The Centre has and will continue to enable children and youth voices to be listened to and heard in advancing their rights by:
- Creating practical opportunities with and for children and youth for the exercise of their civil and political rights and responsibilities;
- Providing children and youth with access to information and knowledge about their fundamental citizenship rights;
- Actively challenging and engaging schools, educational institutions, government and the not-for-profit sector to systematically and structurally respect the right to be heard of children and youth;
- Demonstrating model decision-making processes that involve children and youth in important civil and political decisions;
- Reinforcing and facilitating the network of agencies that shape public policy with respect to children and youth; and
- Nurturing in adults a culture of respect for children and youth as fellow citizens and the willingness to hear what they have to say.
The Landon Pearson Resource Centre will continue to remain at the forefront of children’s rights. Please contact Dr. Virginia Caputo, the Centre’s Director for more information about the Centre.
Current Initiatives and Activities
The Centre’s current initiatives and activities include: Shaking the Movers; Child Rights Academic Network; the Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights; the UN International Day of the Girl; and an Annual Spring Networking and Knowledge Exchange Fair.
The LPC website also includes an inventory of the materials produced by Landon Pearson during her years in The Senate of Canada (in English and French), which include the regular publication of Children on the Hill.