Food4Thought (May 2017)
Our inspiration began with food. As our Strategic Impact Group (SIG) explored further, we recognized that we were seeking a unifying experience to break down silos and bring about conversations, connections and community.
To this end, our SIG aims to create a meaningful way to bring faculty and professional services staff together in an informal environment that is conducive to developing staff/faculty connections, engaging in conversations and ultimately building community.
The framework for this experience will integrate a few themes, including:
- Carleton’s past tradition of tea time
- Carleton’s Healthy Workplace Initiative, and its policy statement that “…the social, physical and psychological environment [is an] important factor that collectively contributes to each faculty and staff member’s personal success and positive contribution to the university’s mission”
- The greatest strength of Carleton University, as identified in Carleton’s Strategic Integrated Plan: Our people
SIG Group Members
- Adam Barrows, Associate Professor, English
- Jeremy Brzozowski, Manager, Student Experience & Student Life, SEO
- Pia Chin, Internal Communications Specialist, DUC
- Shane Hawkins, Director, College of Humanities
- Kathleen Hickey, Team Lead, Co-op/New Grad Recruitment, Co-op/Career
- Ramune Zitikiene, Executive Assistant, ODENG