On 27 May 2021, viewers from 27 countries attended the virtual launch for Gil Loescher’s last book Refugees: A Very Short Introduction. The book offers a concise and compelling introduction to the causes and impact of contemporary refugee responses. By drawing on Loescher’s 40-year legacy as an authority on UNHCR and global refugee issues, the book offers critical insight on the impact of today’s responses to refugee movements for states, global order and refugees themselves. The book also draws on more recent developments to call for a new approach that engages with the root causes of displacement, the politicization of refugee responses, and an enhanced role for civil society actors and refugee-led responses.

Full Video Recording

The event began with reflections from Gil’s family before turning to a discussion of the themes of the book and their significance, including from the perspective of global policy discussions, national responses in the global South, and refugee leadership.

Participants in the discussion were as follows:

Questions from the virtual audience prompted the speakers to delve deeper into the implications of the book and the impact Gil Loescher had on the field and on their own approach to refugee research, policy and practice. The event concluded with a discussion of how the book can act as a catalyst for new approaches to addressing the source of refugee displacement as well as ensuring that responses to refugee movements are more inclusive, comprehensive and rights-based.

Audience members were invited to use the discount code VSI20 when purchasing the book through this link:

Oxford University Press

During the event, Gil’s family announced that they will donate proceeds from the sale of the book to support the Gil Loescher Memorial Fund. Details of the fund are available here:

Gil Loescher Memorial Fund