On 11 December 2023, Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT), Geneva Graduate Institute, Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network (GAIN), and Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN) convened a workshop titled “Evidence-based Implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees: What Role for Academia?” The event, held as a side event of the Global Refugee Forum, aimed to foster collaboration among researchers to advance the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).

Gathering researchers from academic networks and Refugee-Led Organizations, the event delved into academia’s role in guiding GCR implementation, identifying barriers for academics, and strategizing collaborative efforts to overcome these obstacles.

Opening remarks underscored academia’s pivotal position in GCR implementation, highlighting its recognition within the Compact and emphasizing academia’s multifaceted contributions, including generating knowledge, informing policy and practice, capacity building, and advocacy for evidence-based policies at national, regional, and global levels. Reflecting on academia’s central role, participants acknowledged the transformative potential of academic engagement in refugee protection, inclusion, and solutions.

The workshop emphasized academia’s responsibility to advocate for evidence-based policies aligned with the GCR and foster meaningful collaborations with stakeholders such as governments, international organizations, NGOs, and affected communities.

Additionally, the event highlighted a multistakeholder pledge led by various academic institutions, calling for a paradigm shift in refugee research to empower researchers from low and middle-income countries and amplify the voices of displaced persons. Notable supporters of the pledge include GAIN, LERRN, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and others, signaling a global commitment to enhancing academic contributions to refugee studies and advocacy.

Full Event Report:

Report prepared by Dr.  Kalyango Ronald Sebba