Project Title: Beliefs in Science, Spirituality, and Health

Description: This study explores the role that religious and/or spiritual beliefs may play in shaping our relationship to science and health care. We are also interested in how these beliefs may have changed over time. In other words, does age matter?

Procedure: To help us better understand these questions, we are asking you to complete an online survey designed to examine the potential relationships among age, religion and/or spirituality, existential issues, and your health.

Eligibility Requirements: Adult (> 18 years old) residing in Canada or the United States.

Duration: 30-45 minutes.

Location: Online

Compensation: Upon completion, you will be entered into a draw to win a $100 Amazon gift card.


  • Lead Researcher: Dr. Renate Ysseldyk, Department of Health Sciences, Carleton University;
  • Co-Researcher: Dr. Albert Banerjee, Department of Gerontology, St. Thomas University;
  • Co-Researcher: Dr. Kenneth Vail, Department of Psychology, Cleveland State University;

Click here to participate (or use the QR code on the attached file):

This study has received ethics clearance from Carleton University Research Ethics Board-B (CUREB-B Clearance #119425).