Hub Affiliates are members of MeWeRTH that are external to the Carleton University community with a shared interest in mental health, well-being, resilience and collaboration. You can learn more about our Hub Affiliates below:
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Roles and Responsibilities: The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) is a non-governmental organization that provides national leadership on substance use and to advance solutions to address alcohol- and other drug-related harms. CCSA was created in 1988 by an Act of Parliament and is one of a number of Pan-Canadian Health Organizations. CCSA’s current Strategic Plan focuses on three primary strategic goals and accompanying priorities: • Advancing evidence-based knowledge by conducting and synthesizing high quality research; • Driving collaboration efforts across Canada and internationally; and • Bridging the gap between what we know and what we do. CCSA embraces a spirit of openness, collaboration and partnership and actively solicits input, guidance and counsel in all aspects of its work and diverse agenda of activity. The Centre emphasizes impact and, in doing so, strives to ensure that its evidence-informed publications, tools and knowledge mobilization products are accessible, timely and relevant to what is happening in the field and to embrace and include diverse voices and perspectives with tailored resources for specific audiences and stakeholders. CCSA hosts a biennial conference “Issues of Substance” – the largest gathering of researchers, service providers, organizations, and stakeholders in Canada. Resources and links: Carleton faculty and students who are interested in exploring opportunities and potential collaborations with CCSA are encouraged to contact Dr. John Weekes, Director of Knowledge Mobilization, CCSA and Adjunct Research Professor of Forensic Psychology and Substance Use, Department of Psychology at Dr. Kim CoraceKeywords: substance use, mental health, concurrent disorders, health behaviour change, health service delivery Research interests My research work focuses on mental health, substance use, stigma, public health, and health system service utilization. I work collaboratively with partners across the system to develop, implement, and evaluate innovative interventions that lead to improved treatment access and outcomes for populations with substance use and mental health co-morbidities, with a focus on developing collaborative hospital-community models of care. My work also focuses on health behaviour change, including how behaviour change theories can be used to guide and inform novel interventions to facilitate health behaviour change (i.e., healthcare worker vaccination uptake and hand hygiene adherence) as well as the implementation of evidence into healthcare practice. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, my research is currently exploring the mental health and substance use impacts of COVID-19 on people with pre-existing mental health and substance use problems, as well as the impact of changes in service provision and care delivery due to COVID-19. Selected Publications Hamel, C., Corace, K., Hersi, M., Rice, D., Willows, M., Macpherson, P., Sproule, B., Flores-Aranda, J., Garber, G., Esmaeilisaraji, L., Skidmore, B, Canning, C., Porath, A., Ortiz-Nunez, R., Hutton, B. (accepted). Psychosocial and pharmacologic interventions for methamphetamine addiction: protocol for a scoping review of the literature. Systematic Reviews. Overington, L., Bell, S., Ares, I., & Corace, K. (2020). Substance use and COVID-19: What do psychologists need to know and how can they help? Psynopsis, 42 (3): 18-19. Wolfe, D., Corace, K., Rice, D., Smith, A., Kanji, S., Conn, D., Willows, M., Garber, G., Abramovici, H., Puxty, J., Moghadam, E., Skidmore, B., Garritty, C., Thavorn. K., Moher, D., & Hutton, B. (2020). The effects of medical and non-medical cannabis use in older adults: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. Dragomir, A., Lavoie, K., Boucher, V., Bacon, S., Gemme, C., Szczepanik, G., Corace, K., Campbell, T., Vallis, M., Garber, G., Rouleau, C., Rabi, D., Diodati, J., & Ghali, W. (accepted). An international Delphi consensus study to define motivational communication in the context of developing a training program for physicians. Translational Behavioral Medicine. Agterberg, S., Schubert, N., Overington, L., Corace, K. (2020). Treatment Barriers among Individuals with Co-occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Problems: Examining Gender Differences. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 112, 29-35. Corace, K., Willows, M., Schubert, N., Overington, L., Mattingly, S., Clark, E., Leduc, N., Hutton, B., & Hebert, G. (2020). Alcohol Medical Intervention Clinic: A rapid access addiction medicine model reduces emergency department visits. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 14(2), 163–171. Corace, K., Wyman, J., Suschinsky, K., Leece, P., & Porath, A. (November, 2020). Evaluating the impact of the Ontario COVID-19 Opioid Agonist Therapy Guidelines. Presented at International Society of Addiction Medicine – Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine Joint Conference, Hosted Virtually in Canada. |
EcopsychepediaThe Ecopsychepedia (“EcoPsy”) is a free, public, online information source on climate psychology and its mental health implications, created by an international group of mental health professionals and climate communication experts. EcoPsy enables healthcare professionals, researchers, educators, policy-makers, students of all ages, community leaders, and general readers to learn more and share knowledge about how the ecological(eco), the psychological(psyche), and societies impact one another – and, critically, how we can respond. EcoPsy publishes articles and other resources on major topics intersecting climate change, mental health, and human psychology and behaviour. Articles are informed by expert knowledge, accessible to a wide audience, and regularly updated to reflect the most current understanding. By sharing knowledge, EcoPsy aims to nurture the exchange of ideas across disciplines, support people experiencing climate-related mental health impacts, build resilience, and equip us to be agents of change. The Ecopsychepedia is a collaboration of the Climate Psychiatry Alliance and Climate Psychology Alliance of North America. Resources and links: EcoPsy is a living, growing information hub, which is always open to new writers, reviewers, collaborations, volunteers. Contact us at or visit our website to learn more. Key words: climate change, mental health, knowledge mobilization, psychology, behaviour change Gary Goldfield, PhD., C. Psych.Key words: Mental health, physical activity, screen time, eating behaviour, pediatric obesity Research Interests Dr. Goldfield is a Senior Scientist with the Healthy Active Living and Obesity (HALO) Research Group at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Professor of Pediatrics and Psychology at the University of Ottawa, and an Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Psychology at Carleton University. He is also a registered clinical psychologist. Dr. Goldfield’s main research interests focus on: 1) evaluating behavioural interventions for the treatment and prevention of childhood obesity and related complications; 2) psychological and biological determinants of disordered eating and obesity, and iii) effects of physical activity and sedentary behavior (especially screen time and digital media) on mental health and well-being. Selected Publications Goldfield GS, Mallory R, Parker T, Lumb A, Cunningham T, Parker K, Legg C, Prud’homme D, Adamo K. (2007). Effects of modifying physical activity and television viewing on psychosocial adjustment in overweight and obese children. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 32 (7), 783-793. Goldfield GS, Kenny GP, Alberga AS, Prud’homme D, Hadjiyannakis S, Gougeon R, Phillips P, Tulloch H, Malcolm J, Doucette S, Wells GA, Ma J, Cameron JD, and Sigal RJ. (2015). Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on psychological health in adolescents with obesity: The HEARTY randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 83(6):1123-35. Murray M, Maras D, Goldfield GS. (2016). Excessive Time on Social Networking Sites and Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Undergraduate Students: Appearance and Weight Esteem as Mediating Pathways. Cyberpsychology Behaviour & Social Networking; 19(12):709-715. Cameron JD, Chaput JP, Sjödin AM, Goldfield GS. (2017). Brain on Fire: Incentive Salience, Hedonic Hot Spots, Dopamine, Obesity, and Other Hunger Games. Annual Review of Nutrition; 37; 183-205. Mougharbel F. & Goldfield GS. (In press). Psychological Correlates of Sedentary Screen Time Behaviour Among Children and Adolescents: a Narrative Review. Current Obesity Reports |
Michael MartinResearch Interests Dr. Martin’s areas of expertise and research interests include: (a) screening for mental illness; (b) trajectories of mental illness and self-harm behaviours; (c) risk and protective factors for mental health and behavioural outcomes; (d) treatment of mental illness and self-harm behaviours; (e) system integration across jurisdictions and ministries responsible for providing health and social services Selected Publications Martin, M. S., Potter, B. K., Crocker, A. G., Wells, G. A., Grace, R. M., & Colman, I. (2018). Mental health treatment patterns following screening at intake to prison. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86(1), 15–23. Martin, M. S., Wells, G. A., Crocker, A. G., Potter, B. K., & Colman, I. (2018a). Decision curve analysis as a framework to estimate the potential value of screening or other decision-making aids. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 27(1), e1601. Martin, M. S., Wells, G. A., Crocker, A. G., Potter, B. K., & Colman, I. (2018b). Mental health screening, treatment, and institutional incidents: A propensity score matched analysis of long-term outcomes of screening. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 17(2), 133–144. Martin, M. S., Eljdupovic, G., Mckenzie, K., & Colman, I. (2015). Risk of violence by inmates with childhood trauma and mental health needs. Law and Human Behavior, 39(6), 614–623. For a complete list of publications, please see Dr. Martin’s Google Scholar profile. MaryAnn Notarianni, MSWKey words: Mental health, knowledge mobilization, stakeholder engagement, implementation Research Interests MaryAnn has been working in leadership roles in mental health intermediary organizations over the past decade. MaryAnn is currently the Vice President, Knowledge Mobilization at the Centre of Excellence on PTSD, based at The Royal. MaryAnn oversees initiatives and contributes to research projects to support the uptake and implementation of evidence-based practices to improve mental health services for Veterans and their families. MaryAnn has deep experience with stakeholder engagement, particularly youth and family engagement in mental health systems. Selected Publications Danseco, E., Notarianni, M., & Kocourek, J. (2020). Quality Standards on Youth Engagement and Family Engagement: Defining Excellence for Engagement. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. DOI: Zelmer, J., van Hoof, K., Notarianni, M., van Mierlo, T., Schellenberg, M. & Tannenbaum, C. (2018).An Assessment Framework for e-Mental Health Apps in Canada: Results of a Modified Delphi Process JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. DOI: 10.2196/10016 Notarianni, M., Sundar, P. & Carter, C. (2015). Just in time: How evidence-on-demand services support decision-making in Ontario’s child and youth mental health sector. Evidence & Policy. DOI: Resources Centre of Excellence on PTSD: Emily Pica, Ph.D
Keywords: eyewitness identification, juror decision making, wrongful convictions, juvenile offenders, Veteran’s treatment court Research Interests Dr. Pica is an associate professor in the Department of Psychological Science and Counseling at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee, United states and an Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Psychology at Carleton University. She also works with her local juvenile court and veterans treatment court. Dr. Pica’s main research interests focus on: 1) factors that influence juror decision making, 2) post-conviction experiences of the wrongfully convicted, and 3) factors that increase eyewitness identification accuracy. Selected Publications Pica, E., Hildenbrand, A., Fraser, L., & Pozzulo, J. (2023). Juror decision making in a child trafficking case: The impact of defendant and victim gender, defendant age, and defendant status. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance Online Publication. Ferdik, F., & Pica, E. (2023). Correctional officer turnover intentions and mental health: Examining the potential mediating influence of resilience. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. Advance Online Publication. Ross, D.F, Pica, E., Pozzulo, J., Clark, M., Swanson, S., Warren, A., Metzger, R., Silver, C., & Sinclair, H. (2022). The impact of disguise on identification of familiar faces. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. Advance Online Publication. Pica, E., Sheahan, C.L., & Pozzulo, J. (2022) University students’ perceptions of the wrongfully convicted post-exoneration. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 40, 35-61. Pica, E., & Fripp, J.A. (2020). The impact of participating in a juvenile offender mentorship course on students’ perceptions of the legal system and juvenile offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 31, 609-618. Dr. Andra Smith
Keywords: Mindfulness, fMRI, Executive Functioning, Chronic pain, Performance anxiety Research Interests My main focus for research is using fMRI to understand executive dysfunction in vulnerable populations. I have studied cancer patients, cannabis use in youth, Multiple Sclerosis, effects of oral contraceptives on the developing brain, concussion, cardiac arrest, childhood sexual abuse, and several others. The highlight of my research has been using mindfulness as a way to alleviate the impact of disease or injury on people’s lives. I study the neurophysiological impact of mindfulness and provide empirical evidence that it works and how. Selected Publications Stanson, N., Comeau, G., Smith, A.M. (2022). The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on the Experience of Music Performance Anxiety in Young Adult Musicians. Revue Musicale. 9(2): 102-115. Kheloui, S., Smith, A.M., Ismail, N. (2022). Combined oral contraceptives and mental health: Are adolescence and the gut-brain axis the missing links? Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 68: 101041. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2022.101041. Hatchard, T, Penta, S., Mioduzsewski, O.,* Correia, S., Tissera, T., Brown, O.,* Haefner, S.A., Poulin, P., Smith, A.M. (2022). Increased gray matter following mindfulness-based stress reduction in breast cancer survivors with chronic neuropathic pain: Preliminary evidence using voxel based morphometry. Acta Neurologica Belgica. 122:735-743. Sharma, R., Cameron, A.,* Fang, Z., Ismail, N., Smith, A. (2021) The regulatory roles of progesterone and estradiol on emotion processing in women. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience. 21(5): 1026-1038. doi: 10.3758/s13415-021-00908-7. Hatchard, T.,* Mioduoszewski, O.,* Khoo, E.L.,* Romanow, H., Shergill, Y., Tennant, E., Leeming, A.,* Fang, Z., Poulin, P., Smith, A.M. (2021) Reduced emotional reactivity in breast cancer survivors with chronic neuropathic pain following Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): an fMRI investigation. Mindfulness, 12(3): 751-762. Smith, A.M., Leeming, A.,* Fang, Z., Mioduoszewski, O.,* Hatchard, T., Schneider M., Poulin, P. (2021) Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Alters Brain Activity for Breast Cancer Survivors with Chronic Neuropathic Pain: Preliminary Evidence from Resting State fMRI. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 15(4), 518-525. doi: 10.1007/s11764-020-00945-0 Mioduszewski, O.,* Hatchard, T.,* Fang, Z., Poulin, P., Khoo, E.L.,* Romanow, H., Shergill, Y., Tennant, E., Schneider, M.A., Browne, N., Smith, A. (2020) Breast cancer survivors living with chronic neuropathic pain show improved brain health following mindfulness based stress reduction: A preliminary diffusion tensor imaging study. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 14(6), 915-922. Sharma, R., Smith, S., Boukina, N.,* Dordari, A., Mistry, A., Taylor, B.C., Felix, N.,* Cameron, A.,* Fang, Z., Smith, A., Ismail, N. (2020) Use of the birth control pill during adolescence affects stress reactivity and brain structure and function. Hormones and Behavior. 124: 104783. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2020.104783 Mioduszewski, O.,* MacLean, H., Poulin, P.A., Smith, A.M., Walker, L.A.S. (2018) Trait mindfulness and wellness in multiple sclerosis. The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 45(5): 580-582. Dr. Carla SowinskiKeywords: workplace well-being, grief, psychological wellness Biography Carla (she/her) received her PhD in psychology from Carleton University in 2016 and currently works as a researcher for the Department of National Defence. In this role, she examines workplace demands (e.g., work-family conflict; job stress) and resources (e.g., organizational support; transformational leadership; meaningful work), as predictors of workplace well-being outcomes (e.g., job engagement and burnout)—providing recommendations to increase resources and minimize demands to optimize workplace well-being. Carla’s work experience, personal experience with grief (Carla’s husband, Derek, died in 2017), and interest in positive psychology have combined to create Carla’s passion for promoting psychological well-being in and out of the workplace. To that aim, Carla speaks openly about her own personal story while highlighting evidence-based strategies to promote psychological wellness and growth. Travis Sztainert, Ph.D.Keywords: knowledge translation, addiction, mental health, systems change Research Interests Travis (He/Him) is the Knowledge Mobilization Specialist at Frayme. As an expert in knowledge mobilization, Travis regularly consults with stakeholders to foster collaboration and provide the best available evidence to support their work. He works to develop a variety of knowledge mobilization products from large-scale evidence reviews to brief reports and data analyses, to digital resources and social network analysis to demonstrate impact. Outside of Frayme, Travis works as a research consultant with various addiction and mental health-related organizations. In addition, he has a passion for developing knowledge mobilization training across sectors and helped develop and teach the Certificate in Knowledge Mobilization at the University of Guelph. Selected Publications Sztainert, T. (2020, September). Testing the Waters Before Diving In: Determining the Type of Knowledge Gap and the Readiness of Knowledge to Fill It. Invited presentation to the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability & Rehabilitation Research at American Institutes for Research, Online. Availabe at Sztainert, T., Hay, R., Wohl, M. J. A., & Abizaid, A. (2018). Hungry to gamble? Ghrelin as a predictor of persistent gambling in the face of loss. Biological Psychology. doi: Matheson, F., Sztainert, T., Lakman, Y., Jane Steele, S., Ziegler, C. P., & Ferentzy, P. (2018). Prevention and treatment of problem gambling among older adults: A scoping review. Journal of Gambling Issues, 39, 6-66. doi: Sztainert, T., Kim, H. S., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2014). Knowledge translation and exchange in gambling research: A beginners guide. Responsible Gambling Review, 1, 64-74. Resources Frayme: Personal Website: Aïda Warah, Ph.D., C. Psych.Keywords: wellness, eco-anxiety, climate change, personal values, culture, leadership, lifestyle/behavioral change Research Interests Dr. Warah works in a space she calls “Psy-ecology”, blending her background in clinical and organizational psychology with her experience in environmental issues and solutions. Her main interest is to identify effective ways of enabling individual adults to contribute to solutions to climate change. Dr. Warah focuses her research on the personal and cultural variables that promote individual empowerment and feelings of wellness, in response to the ecological crisis. In addition to university teaching, Aïda directed at Environment and Climate Change Canada the Wellness Programs including values and ethics and mental health for several years. She also led the Green House Gas Inventory Division for one year. In 2019, Aïda founded a not for profit organization – GentleWays for OurPlanet – to promote ways of empowering individual action against global warming. Selected Publications Frechette, P., Warah, A. (2020) Auditing organisational culture in the public sector. Warah, A. (2004) Relational Accountability, values and ethics: An existential perspective National Ethics Symposium. Values and Ethics in the Public Sector: How to serve the public interest. Saint Paul University Warah, A. Governance, Power and Ego development: Toward the democratic organization i4ThePlanet App The i4ThePlanet (Eye for The Planet) is a mobile app designed to enable individuals develop sustainable lifestyle while building wellness. It supports simple daily actions under six lifestyle categories: Food, Fashion/Electronics, Travel/Energy, Materials, Wellness, and Leadership. The app is free, without ads or any commercial goals whatsoever. To download it at Google or Apple stores click on the links below: John Weekes, Ph.D.Key words: Substance use, substance use health, addiction, harm reduction, evidence-based practice, wellness, lived and living experience, forensic psychology, criminal justice, integrated knowledge mobilization Research Interests
Selected Publications Kim, S., Weekes, J., Young, M., Lalonde-Rankin, S., Adams, N., & Kolla, N. (in press). 10-year trends of repeated emergency department visits among adolescents and young adults for substance use: A population-representative study. PLOS ONE. Quilty, L., Wardell, J., Garner, G., Elison-Davies, S., Davies, G., Klevovkina, E., Corman, M., Alfonsi, J., Crawford, A., de Oliveira, C., & Weekes, J. (in press). Peer support and online cognitive behavioral therapy for substance use concerns: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open. Garvey, M., Elison-Davies, S., & Weekes, J. R. (2021). Providing evidence-based treatment for substance-involved offenders: The importance of matching treatment intensity to criminogenic and biopsychosocial needs. Canadian Journal of Addiction, 12, 59-66. Young, M. M., De Moor, C., Kent, P., Stockwell, T., Sherk, A., Zhao, J., Farrell MacDonald, S., Weekes, J., Macdonald, S., & Maloney-Hall, B. (2021). Attributable fractions for substance use in relation to crime. Addiction, 116, 3198-3205. Elison-Davies, S., Davies, G., Ward, J., Dugdale, S., & Weekes, J. (2018). The role of digital technology in offender rehabilitation. Advancing Corrections – International Corrections and Prison Association Journal, 5, 104-116. Elison-Davies, S., Davies, G., Ward, J., Dugdale, S., Weston, S., Jones, A., & Weekes, J. (2018). Protocol for a parallel-group randomized controlled trial of 8-week Breaking Free Online Health and Justice programme as an adjunct to standard treatment for substance misuse, in comparison to standard treatment only, in prison settings. Health and Justice, 6, 20. Carleton, R. N., Afifi, T. O., Taillieu, T., Turner, S., Duranceau, S., LeBouthillier, D. M., Hozempa, K., Sareen, J., Ricciardelli, R., MacPhee, R. S., Groll, D., Brunet, A., Weekes, J. R., Griffiths, C. T., Abrams, K. J., Jones, N. A., Beshai, S., Cramm, H. A., Dobson, K. S., Hatcher, S., Keane, T. M., Stewart. S. H., & Asmundson, G. J. G (2018). Suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts among public safety personnel in Canada. Canadian Psychology, 59, 220-231. Carleton, R. N., Afifi, T. O., Taillieu, T., Turner, S., Duranceau, S., LeBouthillier, D. M., Hozempa, K., Sareen, J., Ricciardelli, R., MacPhee, R. S., Groll, D., Brunet, A., Weekes, J. R., Griffiths, C. T., Abrams, K. J., Jones, N. A., Beshai, S., Cramm, H. A., Dobson, K. S., Hatcher, S., Keane, T. M., Stewart. S. H., & Asmundson, G. J. G (2018). Mental health symptoms among Canadian first responders and other public safety personnel. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 63, 54-64. Davies, G., Ward, J., Elison, S., Weston, S., Dugdale, S., & Weekes, J. R. (2017). Implementation and evaluation of the Breaking Free Online and Pillars of Recovery treatment and recovery programmes for substance-involved offenders: Reflections from the north-west prisons “Gateways” pathfinder. Advancing Corrections, 3, 95-113. Weekes, J. R., Elison, S., De Moor, C., & de Loë, K. (2017). Technology-enhanced innovations for assisting substance-misusing offenders. In J. Ireland (Ed.), International Handbook on Forensic Psychology in Prisons and Secure Settings. London: Routledge. Wheatley, M., Weekes, J. R., Moser, A.E., & Thibault, K. (2017). Drugs in prison. In J. Wooldredge & P. Smith (Eds.), Oxford handbook of prisons and imprisonment. London: Oxford University Press. Elison, S., Davies, G., Ward, J., Weston, S., Dugdale, S., & Weekes, J. R. (2016). Using the “recovery” and “rehabilitation” paradigms to support desistance of substance-involved offenders: An exploration of the potential of dual and multi-focus interventions. Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice, 2, 274-290. Matthew Young, Ph.D.Keywords: addiction, substance use epidemiology, gambling, public health, health economics Research Interests Matthew has been working in the field of substance use and addiction for over 20 years. His research interests include the epidemiology of substance use, public health responses to substance use harms, the economics of substance use, the early detection and sharing of information on emerging drug-related health threats, new psychoactive substances, and gambling. He is currently co-chair of the Canadian Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use and is principal investigator of the Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms project and the project to develop Canada’s first Lower Risk Gambling Guidelines. Selected Publications Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms Scientific Working Group. (2020). Canadian substance use costs and harms (2015-2017). (Prepared by the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research and the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.) Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. Available at: Maloney-Hall, B. Wallingford, S. C., & Young, M. M. (2020). Psychotic disorder and cannabis use: Canadian hospitalization trends, 2006-2015. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice. Available at: Payer, D.E., Young, M.M., Hall, B., Mill, C., Leclerc, P., Buxton, J., the Canadian Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use, & the National Drug Checking Working Group. (2020). Adulterants, contaminants and co-occurring substances in drugs on the illegal market in Canada: An analysis of data from drug seizures, drug checking and urine toxicology. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. Available at: Jesseman, R. & Young, M. M. (2018). Pulling levers to mitigate health costs of cannabis. Policy Options. Available at: Young, M. M., Pirie, T., Buxton, J. A., & Hosein, F. S. (2015). The rise of overdose deaths involving fentanyl and the value of early warning. Canadian Journal of Addiction, 6(3), 13-17. Available at Young, M. M., Dubeau, C., & Corazza, O. (2015). Detecting a signal in the noise: monitoring the global spread of novel psychoactive substances using media and other open source information. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 30, 319-326. Available at: Young, M. M., Stevens, A., Galipeau, J., Pirie, T., Garritty, C., Singh, K., . . . Moher, D. (2014). Effectiveness of brief interventions as part of the Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) model for reducing the non-medical use of psychoactive substances: a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 3(50). Available at: |