Project Title: The Couples’ Intimacy Study

Description: Thirty percent of Canadian women and eight percent of Canadian men have been sexually assaulted. Would you be willing to participate in a study with your romantic partner and help contribute to research that could improve the lives of people who have experienced sexual assault?

Procedure: Measure your heart rate and blood pressure while discussing the positive aspects of your romantic relationship with your partner.

Eligibility Requirements: The researchers are seeking participants who have and have not experienced sexual assault. Participants must also be adults (> 18 years old), in a romantic relationship of six months or longer, not have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, not have a pacemaker, not be pregnant or think you might be pregnant.

Duration: 2 hours

Location: In-Person. Contact for more information.

Compensation: Participants will receive $30.00 (in cash) for a total of $60.00 per couple. You will also be reimbursed for parking or bus fares if need be. You will also be entered into a draw to win one of three $100.00 Amazon gift cards.


  • Lead Researcher: Anna Ranger, Department of Psychology, Carleton University,
  • Co-Researcher: Dr. Chad Danyluck, Department of Psychology, Carleton University
  • Co-Researcher: Dr. Yan Liu, Department of Psychology Carleton University

Contact to participate.

This study has received ethics clearance from Carleton University Research Ethics Board-B (CUREB-B Clearance #117926).