Project Title: The Iron Study

Description: We are studying the efficacy of a novel micronutrient-enriched powder for treating iron deficiency.

Procedure: Over six months participants will consume a fortified beverage each day, complete one virtual visit and three in-person visits to Carleton University, complete short online questionnaires and provide a total of four blood samples
to measure iron levels.

Eligibility Requirements: The researchers are seeking (biologically) female participants between the ages of 18 and 35, who are literate in English, who are located in the greater Ottawa region, who are not pregnant nor lactating, and who are not taking vitamin and/or mineral supplements containing iron and/or zinc.

Duration: 6 months

Location: Online and in-person at Carleton University.

Compensation: Participants will receive a $50.00 gift card after each in-person visit.

Contact or 613-746-4621 ext. 6028 to participate.

This study has received ethics clearance from Carleton University Research Ethics Board-B (CUREB-B Clearance #118907).