MeWeRTH is governed by a Director and a Management Board.
Director: Dr. Joanna Pozzulo
Management Board:
Dr. Rachel Burns, Dr. Chad Danyluck, Dr. Katie Gunnell, Dr. Johanna Peetz, Dr. Nassim Tabri, Dr. Michael Wohl
Terms and Criteria for Hub Membership
1) Hub Research Members
-Carleton University community members working on or interested in mental health, resilience, and well-being research
-If you are interested in becoming a Hub Research Member please submit 3-5 keywords, a brief description of your research interests (80-100 words), and selected publications to our Administrator at
2) Hub Student Members
-Upper year undergraduate and graduate students interested in mental health, resilience, and well-being.
3) Hub Associate Members
-Carleton University community members with a shared interest in mental health, well-being, resilience and collaboration
4) Hub Affiliates
-Community partners working in the area of mental health and well-being
5) Former Student Members
-Student hub members that have graduated