Program Overview

In partnership with Health and Counselling Services, the Muslim Student Mentorship program provides individual peer support for Muslim students at Carleton by pairing them with an upper-year mentor.

Peer Mentors are also members who identify as Muslim and can use their past experiences to help guide and support students in the program.

The program provides students with an opportunity to develop skills that will enable them to thrive socially, personally and academically.

How does it work?

Students will be matched with a peer mentor who they will meet regularly throughout the academic year. Students can connect with their mentors about a variety of subjects such as positive mental health, community belonging, and opportunities for engagement. Muslim student mentors participate in extensive training which covers subjects such as peer support, suicide awareness, and more.

Sign Up for a Mentor

To get started with the Muslim Student Mentorship program, click the link below.

Sign Up for a Mentor