Samuel graduated with a PhD, and was awarded the Senate Medal upon graduation.

If you could choose one word to sum up your time at NPSIA, what is it and why?

Growth. Whether it be growth in academic horizons, or my professional and social network, NPSIA provided me ample opportunities to get acquainted with fascinating people and perspectives.

What is your favourite NPSIA memory?

Although no single recollection comes to mind, my fondest memories are of coffee breaks with peers and debriefing sessions after seminars, lectures and talks at Mike’s bar on campus. As in any great place of work, the best ideas generally come from conversations with colleagues. All my “eureka” moments, both academically and professionally, involved interacting with people – not sitting at a desk, facing a screen.

What was your favourite course or who was your favourite professor?

Although not a course per se, the dissertation was an eye-opening and humbling experience. Albeit a frustratingly long and often solitary work, the dissertation process taught me a lot about research rigour and better writing. Professor Dane Rowlands was immensely supportive in his role as my PhD supervisor.

What was the most important lesson you learned during your time at NPSIA?

Humility. Coming into an interdisciplinary program, you are immersed in a broad range of intersecting topics and gain a unique perspective on disciplinary blind spots. Then again, you are unlikely to become a disciplinary specialist. In my view, it’s important to embrace the unique role as an “expert generalist”.

What’s next for you?

I have recently taken on a new role as Research Economist at Statistics Canada. I aim to continue publishing on diverse immigration, labour, and social issues.

Is there anything else you would liketo share with the NPSIA community?

Thank you to all those at NPSIA that helped along the way.

And to current and prospective students, remember to attend conferences/seminars, routinely consult with peers, and act on your curiosities. Best of luck!