Atamson Atam’s interest in international studies started early, thanks to his father’s career as an international development worker. Growing up, he traveled a lot and got to experience different cultures firsthand, which sparked his fascination with global affairs and cross-cultural understanding. This passion led him to study International Development and Globalization at the University of Ottawa, where he gained a solid grasp of global challenges and their interconnectedness, further driving his desire to make a difference.

Atam chose the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) for his Master’s to delve deeper into international relations and diplomacy. His time at NPSIA was incredibly enriching, especially because of the focus on practical skills. He particularly enjoyed the hands-on learning experiences like simulations in Professor Hampson’s INAF 5305 course and the lively debates in Professor Manulak’s great debate week. These activities not only challenged his views but also broadened his understanding of global issues.

The NPSIA program was pivotal for Atam’s growth, both personally and professionally. A semester abroad at Sciences-Po in Paris provided him with invaluable insights into policy processes, which he now applies in his job as a policy analyst. The coursework also sharpened his communication skills, helping him craft convincing arguments and clear policy documents.

One standout experience for Atam was the collaborative data science program. His team’s project on detecting troll tweets during the 2016 US presidential election won third place at Carleton University’s Data Day 9.0. This project highlighted how data science can be a powerful tool in international studies and policy analysis.

After graduating, Atam plans to continue his career as a policy analyst and explore opportunities in foreign services, driven by his passion for diplomacy and conflict resolution. He credits NPSIA for its invaluable networking, mentorship, and professional development opportunities, which have been essential for his future plans.