The Expert Group on Canada-US Relations is focused on developing the key elements of a comprehensive Canadian strategy for Canada-US relations in an election year.

Its work is supported by The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, and the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

Expert Group on Canada-US Relations

The Hon. Perrin Beatty Fen Osler Hampson
Thomas d’Aquino Meredith Lilly
Louise Blais Hon. Gary G. Mar, KC
Carlo Dade Marie-Lucie Morin
Laura Dawson Vincent Rigby
Martha Hall Findlay Colin Robertson
Jonathan Fried Tim Sargent
Lawrence Herman John Weekes

These Working Papers draw on discussions among Expert Group members. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in these document belong solely to the authors and do not represent the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (Carleton University), or the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.