Cristina Rojas
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 8858 |
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Office: | 1502 Dunton Tower |
Professor Citizenship studies
Comparative Politics Latin America; Development
Cristina Rojas is a professor in the Department of Political Science and director of the Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University (Canada). Her academic research interests are on the areas of political ontology, critical development and postcolonial theory, social policy and citizenship studies. Presently she is doing research on the relation between indigenous movements and the state in Bolivia. Her most recent articles are published in Citizenship Studies, Globalizations and Third World Quarterly. She is the author of Civilization and Violence: Regimes of Representation in Nineteenth-Century Colombia, and co-editor of Narratives and Imaginings of Citizenship in Latin America and Elusive Peace: International, National and Local Dimensions of Conflict in Colombia.
Selected Publications
“Acts of Indigenship: Historical struggles for equality and colonial difference in Bolivia”, Citizenship Studies, forthcoming issue August 2013.
“Reversing Interventionism in Twentieth-first-century South America”, with Gustavo Morales (second author), in Arne Bigsten (ed) 2013, Globalization and Development. Rethinking Interventions and Governance, Routledge, 129-144
“Transformations in imaginings and practices of citizenship in Latin America”, with Judy Meltzer (main author), in Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies, forthcoming.
“Securing the State and Developing Social Insecurities: The Securitisation of Citizenship in Contemporary Colombia”. Third World Quarterly. 30:1, 2009.
“International Political Economy/Development Otherwise”. Globalizations. Vol.4:4, December 2007.
“Governing through the social: representation of poverty and global governmentality”, in Global Governmentality; Wendy Larner and William Walters (eds). Routledge Press, 2005.
Civilization and Violence. Regimes of Representation in Nineteenth-Century Colombia. University of Minnesota Press. 2002.