This news post is more than one year old and has been retained for archive purposes. The information below may no longer be relevant.

The virtual International Internship Program is now accepting applications for the fall 2022 term! A virtual international internship is a great opportunity for you to work internationally for academic credit. These internships are typically unpaid. This opportunity is an excellent way for you to gain real-world work experience, develop contacts in your field and build your resume to better market yourself for future career opportunities!

Students must have a minimum 6.5 CGPA, have second-year standing by the time they start their internship, and be registered in an undergraduate degree program at Carleton.

Students enrolled are also eligible for the International Internship Bursary, which provides up to $2,500 in funding for these experiences. In addition, the Global Skills Opportunities Program will provide eligible students with bursaries.

Applications close on Friday, August 12, 2022.

For more information on the program and to apply now, visit the Career Services website.

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