This news post is more than one year old and has been retained for archive purposes. The information below may no longer be relevant.

Health and Counselling Services welcomes Oliver Debney (he/him) as the new trans/2SLGBTQ+ counsellor.

Oliver has several years of experience working with diverse communities in Ontario. He specializes in working with trans and 2SLGBTQ+ folks navigating senses of self and interpersonal dynamics. He also works with the impacts of codependency, friendship and relationship struggles, adverse experiences with healthcare, as well as other forms of trauma.

Oliver uses an eclectic approach that includes elements of narrative therapy, somatic experiencing, cognitive processing therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy, all within a trauma-informed lens. Oliver enjoys working with people to connect them with a sense of autonomy and possibility to explore who they are and to regain a sense of control in their everyday lives.

To book an appointment with Oliver, call Health and Counselling at 613-520-6674. You’ll speak to the Intake Counsellor within 24 hours to discuss your intake and connect you with the appropriate supports based on your unique concerns.

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