1. Campus Life
  2. Employment
  3. Safety on Campus
  4. Getting Involved

Campus Life

Your student has the opportunity to learn about themselves and from others through engaging with all that Carleton has to offer – university life takes place both in and out of the classroom. Whether they are moving into residence, off-campus housing or continuing to live at home, meeting a new roommates and classmates can be both an exciting and stressful time for your student. It’s important to emphasize communication so your student can learn how to live and learn through new challenges.

Your student’s attendance at Carleton may include a move to a new city. Getting oriented with new surroundings and people places a new emphasis on personal safety.
Carleton University’s Campus Safety Services addresses the needs of the community for personal safety, protection of property and parking needs.

Your student now has access to over 200 clubs and societies, state of the art athletic facilities and employment opportunities. Encourage your student to visit the Student Experience Office or browse the Current Student website to learn more about how to get involved on campus.


Working on campus may be an option and this type of employment tends to be more manageable in the long run. Among other things, a part-time job at Carleton translates into fewer time-consuming transportation issues.

Safety on Campus

Carleton’s Campus Safety Services provides 24-hour response to routine and emergency calls for security, medical, fire and police services and is committed to providing a safe and secure community for your student.

Getting Involved

Connecting with peers is an integral part of the university experience. Through campus services, clubs and societies and on-campus housing, your student has the opportunity to contribute to a healthy and thriving community.