1. Job Search Support
  2. Career and Networking Events
  3. Co-operative Education

Many students are now deciding if they want, or need, to find part-time employment throughout the school year. Those who do wish to secure part-time employment must be able to successfully manage their time in order to take on both part-time work and full-time studies. Working on campus may be an option and this type of employment tends to be more manageable in the long run.

Carleton’s Career Services offers a wide variety of services, workshops and support through important employability and career choices. Support your student in boosting their future career by enhancing their skills and knowledge that will make them more employable in today’s job market. Encourage them to engage in the various activities and programs offered at Carleton and get recognized for all their hard work.

Many programs at Carleton offer Co-operative Education. Co-operative Education combines traditional, in-class education with hands-on experience. Co-op students alternate study terms at Carleton with four, eight, 12 or 16-month work terms. It is a great opportunity for your student to get a head start on a career, develop key transferable skills and figure out what career path is best for them – encourage your student to see if their program offers a co-op option.

Job Search Support

Through resume support sessions, career advisors and an online job posting board, Carleton offers multiple methods of helping students find employment options that work best for them. Encourage your student to explore Career Services’ supports and offerings to get started.

Career and Networking Events

Some of the events offered by Carleton’s Career Services include employment fairs, networking nights, workshops and employer info sessions. These numerous resources can provide your student with the ability to achieve their career goals.

Co-operative Education

The Co-op program’s work terms allow for the development of key employability skills, exploration of career options and graduation with tangible, workplace experience—giving your student a competitive edge in the job market after graduation.