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Pension Fund Management:

The Carleton University Retirement Plan was established by the University on April 1, 1948. Under the Plan, both Members and the University make contributions to the Retirement Fund which holds the assets that support the Plan.

Plan Highlights

The Plan is made up of two components – a Minimum Guarantee Pension and a Money Purchase Pension.  When you retire, you will receive a starting pension based on an amount equal to the Money Purchase Pension plus the excess, if any, of the Minimum Guarantee Pension over the Money Purchase Pension. Following retirement, each year the annual pension amount is adjusted based on a formula outlined in your annual pension statement. For detailed information on the pension benefit please consult the Pension Plan Booklet.


Plan members


Funded Status


Annual Benefits Paid

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Pension & Retirement

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Retirement Calculator

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HR Pension Contact

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Pension Plan Booklet

Still have questions?

If you have questions about the Retirement Fund, Retirement Plan Governance or Pension Committee matters, please contact us:

Pension Fund Management

610 Pigiarvik (formerly Robertson Hall)
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6 Canada

Phone: 613 520-2600, ext. 3620
Fax: 613 520-3965