Photo of Nina  Karhu

Nina Karhu

Teaching and Learning Services

I believe that I would be an excellent candidate to be considered as an Administrative Staff Governor because:

For the past three years, I have been proudly serving as an Administrative Staff Governor. With over 20 years of experience on the Carleton campus — as a student, teaching assistant, part-time employee, full-time CUPE 2424 member, and administrative manager — I bring a holistic perspective and voice to the Board. I value open communication, collaboration, and responsibility and believe that these values have served me well during my term.

I have the following skills and experiences which would be beneficial in my role as Administrative Staff Governor:

Since being elected to the Board, I have sat on the Nominating Committee, Advancement and University Relations Committee, and on the Finance Committee. I have also been proud to represent administrative staff in choosing the annual Board of Governors Award for Outstanding Community Achievement (awarded to a student who along with high academic achievements, engages in volunteerism and community engagement throughout their studies). In my daily work, I manage three distinct teams within Teaching and Learning Services and provide strong leadership to assist them in meeting/surpassing their goals.

If elected to the Board, what would you like to gain from the experience and/or what skills would you like to further develop?

When I was first elected, I had only a surface understanding of the moving parts making up the Board. After three years, I hold greater knowledge but would value the opportunity to continue to build on the momentum created over the past term and further my experience in governance. Although we are collectively experiencing a difficult time, I am very optimistic with regard to the direction of the university as laid out in its new Strategic Integrated Plan and in the overall resilience of the Carleton community. I am excited by the possibility to continue to serve the Board and Carleton in its mission.