Photo of Anastasia Lettieri

Anastasia Lettieri

Undergraduate Student

Program: Honours Law & Legal Studies and History, with a minor in Criminology & Criminal Justice

Anastasia is a third-year undergraduate student pursuing an Honours BA in Law & Legal Studies and History, with a minor in Criminology & Criminal Justice. Her academic interests lie in criminal justice reform, pertaining to police accountability, court procedure, and criminal legislation, as well as the evolution of criminal justice and criminal law since the Medieval Era.

On campus, Anastasia is an active member in numerous associations and clubs. She is currently serving as the Vice President of Carleton’s Campus Conservatives, coordinating provincial and federal networking events and opportunities for students to engage in political advocacy and prosper in various sectors of interest. Prior to that, Anastasia was the History Representative on Carleton’s Academic Student Government, where she supported the implementation of permanent grade reforms, attended department meetings, and met with students to confer on academic policies to later champion said relief proposals. In February 2020, she participated in the Alternative Spring Break program, travelling to Guatemala to strengthen her knowledge of environmental sustainability and sustainable practices, which she seeks to employ through her work at Carleton. Over the past year, Anastasia participated in the Students as Partners Program as a student researcher for a third-year history course, under the supervision of the History Department. She further contributed as a Frosh Facilitator for the incoming 2020-2021 first year students, helping them to integrate into campus life and preparing them for academic success.

In addition to her roles on campus, Anastasia has been employed on Parliament Hill since October 2020, where she handles administrative duties, including public and financial disclosures and stakeholder relations, as well as communications projects. Anastasia previously interned for a Member of Parliament, where she performed legislative duties, specifically related to research and preparation for the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. Through 2016 to 2019, she was employed as a French teacher and bookkeeper at a private school in Ontario. In 2018, Anastasia was 1 of 100 students selected from across Canada to participate in Forum for Young Canadians, from which she was able to engage in the workings of Parliament, deliver a speech on justice reform in the House of Commons, and meet with the Senate of Canada.

Anastasia was elected to the Board with the intention of strengthening its relationship between students and associations to secure an accommodating and prosperous environment by delivering open, consistent, and transparent communication. She places a strong importance on ensuring that student supports created during the pandemic are upheld and furthered, to continue assisting students in terms of both financial and mental wellbeing onwards. Her main priorities for the year include transforming mental health resources, holding the Board accountable to the will of the students, ensuring a safe reopening plan, combating discrimination of LGBTQ2+ and racialized students on campus, as well as sexual violence through increased safety measures and resources.


  • Governance

Board Members