Photo of Mira Gillis

Mira Gillis

Graduate Student

Question 1: I believe that I would be an excellent candidate to be considered as a Student Governor because:

I am proud of my work and advocacy as an undergraduate governor, and given my two years of experience on the board, I believe I would be an excellent candidate to be considered for the Graduate Student Governor position.

Through my terms as an undergraduate governer, I have been able to assist with undergraduate recruitment and reputational enhancement by helping to create the Carleton Social Media Ambassador Program. This program allows students to make organic content for their own social media platforms and the university about their experience as students at Carleton. I have also advocated for period product dispenser installation in more buildings across campus.

Also, throughout my terms, I have regularly attended CUSA and CASG council meetings to report on the work being accomplished by the board. This demonstrates my desire to inform the student body of the ongoing work at the Board of Governors and my wish to represent the student body and their concerns successfully.

Whether creating opportunities for students, asking questions about agenda items at committee and board meetings, or discovering more about how to serve students best, I am proud of the work I have accomplished during my terms. I would love the opportunity to use my expertise to further contribute to the Carleton community and advocate for Carleton’s graduate student population.

Question 2: I have the following skills and experiences which would be beneficial in my role as Student Governor:

I am very grateful and proud to have served in various leadership roles, which I have loved and dedicated my time and efforts towards. The list below is a few of the positions I have held within the past few years that I believe best encompass not only my own personal interests and skills but also what I have given and hope to continue to give to the Carleton community:

– Undergraduate Governor (22/23, 23/24)
– Carleton University Social Media Ambassador
– Senate of Canada Page
– Undergraduate Representative of the Presidential and Vice-Chancellor Hiring Advisory Committee
– Undergraduate Representative of the Hiring Advisory Committee on the Provost and Vice President (Academic)
– Co-Founder and Former Co-President of the Carleton University Be a Donor Club
– Student Life Network Provincial Ambassador and Content Creator
– Vice President Administration of the Rideau River Residence Association (21/22)
– World Vision Canada National Youth Council Vice President External + National Youth Ambassador (2019-2021)
– Women Deliver Conference 2019 Workshop Speaker

Question 3: If elected to the Board, what would you like to gain from the experience and/or what skills would you like to further develop?

If elected, I would look forward to learning more about the inner workings of the university so I could share the best ways for students to pursue the initiatives, projects or concerns they have. On a more personal note, I would look forward to finding more ways to grow as an individual and as a leader and discover more ways to improve the Carleton community. This is a position that I treasure and hold in high regard; I would love to continue to serve the graduate student population in this way.