Donna Patrick is part of a team launching the first Ottawa Inuit radio show, Uqallagvik, which will air its inaugural show Wednesday, May 15 from 11:00 a.m. – noon on CKUT 93.1 FM. The team, including Inuit coproducers Janet Evic, Angeline Ivalu and Jesse Kangok, along with Mark Watson (Concordia University) are working on a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, “Mobilizing Nipivut (‘Our Voice’): a radio-based communications partnership for urban Inuit.” They recently did an on air training show, which is available online and features Inuit music and is mostly in Inuktitut (the Inuit language). Donna is featured in an interview, and can be heard at around 27 minutes into the training show, available here. Along with "Nipivut" in Montreal, at McGill CKUT 90.3 FM, these are the first Inuit language radio shows in southern Canada.