Here, you will find information about conferences, lectures, workshops, awards, grants, bursaries, and positions offered both on- and off-campus.
Visit our News and Events page and connect with us on social media to stay in the know about recent news, announcements, and upcoming events hosted by Carleton University's Department of Sociology and Anthropology.
Call for Papers: Congress 2025 ESAC Annual ConferenceThe Environmental Studies Association of Canada is pleased to invite you to participate in our 2025 Annual Conference from June 1st to 3rd, as part of the 2025 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences hosted at George Brown College, Toronto.
The 2025 Annual Conference will be packed with exciting in-person and digital events and opportunities, including:- Special undergraduate research showcase ;- Keynote events and special sessions with leaders in the field of sustainability (Najia Shaukat Lupson and Ashoke Mohanraj) ;- Joint session on “Biodiversity and Society” with the Environmental Sociology Research Cluster of the Canadian Sociological Association ;- A Special Session Indigenous Participatory Research and Innovation with Prof. Niiyokamigaabaw Deondre Smiles, Dr. Mason Ducharme, and Saskia De Wildt ;- The announcement of the 2025 ECO-Award winners;- Hybrid academia-practitioner networking event;- Research sharing and networking opportunities in French, English, and Spanish.
Submission Instructions:Reflecting the 2025 Congress theme “Reframing Togetherness”, ESAC invites submissions from a diverse range of issues and topics. The organizing committee is accepting proposals for individual paper presentations. All proposals must be submitted through the Abstract Submission on the ESAC website by February 15, 2025. Please note that you must be an active member of ESAC and pay ESAC conference and Congress fees to present.
Call for Submissions is Now Open for the 2025 Markets & Society Conference!The 2025 Markets & Society conference (October 17-20, 2025; Falls Church, Virginia) call for submissions is now open.We invite scholars from academia and policy, students, and professionals to submit paper abstracts or session proposals (consisting of 3-4 papers) by March 31, 2025. The conference seeks to foster meaningful dialogue and collaboration across disciplines, ideological perspectives, and backgrounds, focusing on advancing inquiry, contestation, and impactful research rooted in mainline political economy.The program will feature keynote addresses, panel discussions, research presentations, and networking opportunities. The conference begins with an opening reception and dinner on Friday, October 17th, and concludes after lunch on Monday, October 20th. 2025 Keynote Speakers
Presenters are eligible to receive a $500 honoraria. The event is open to students, scholars, analysts, policymakers, and other professionals. There is no registration fee. Participants are, however, responsible for their travel and lodging expenses.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Canadian Sociological AssociationCanadian Review of Sociology: Call for EditorApplication Deadline: March 3, 2025The CSA is now welcoming applications for the role of Executive Editor of the Canadian Review of Sociology beginning June 2025 - June 2029.
The ideal candidate will uphold high levels of sociological discourse and promote the prominence of the journal in Canada and around the world. They will be an established scholar affiliated with a Canadian university, with broad interests, an appreciation for diverse theoretical approaches and methodologies, a keen sense of the prominent intellectual issues confronting the discipline, and a record of publication in peer-reviewed journals. The CSA provides funding to the journal for communications, editorial support, travel to the association’s annual conference, and an honorarium for the Executive Editor.
AwardsNomination deadlines are approaching in January and March!The CSA annually presents several awards of recognition for scholarly work and contributions to the field of Canadian Sociology. We encourage you to nominate yourself or a colleague!
Deadline Extension: MIISSC 12th Annual Graduate Symposium at McGillWe would like to invite submissions for the 12th Annual Graduate Symposium, hosted by the McGill Institute of Islamic Studies Student Council (MIISSC), which will take place on April 24, 2025, in Montreal.
This year’s theme, Gender, Knowledge, and Borders, seeks to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and invites bold, innovative inquiries into how these elements intersect across diverse contexts. We encourage graduate students from various disciplines and regions to participate and contribute to this vibrant exchange of ideas.
We kindly ask for your support in sharing the attached Call for Papers and its poster with your department and graduate students.
The new deadline for abstract submissions is February 17, 2025.
For updates and additional details:Website: www.miisscsymposium.caEmail:
Call for Abstracts: 25th Annual IPE Graduate ConferenceWe are excited to announce the 25th Annual Graduate Conference, hosted by the Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University, on Friday, March 21, 2025. The conference's theme is "Hyper-politics and Anxious Identities: Seeking Solidarity in Volatile Times. "
This year’s theme invites critical engagement with hyper-politics in the 21st century. We welcome abstract submissions exploring topics such as:
Submit a 200-word abstract by February 21, 2025, through this form.
Don’t miss the opportunity to contribute to this vibrant intellectual exchange and showcase your research!
For inquiries, please email us at We look forward to your submissions! More information here.
Fourth Annual Graduate Conference - McGill University’s School of Religious StudiesWe would like to invite graduate students to submit their proposals for the fourth annual graduate conference at McGill University’s School of Religious Studies, held in Montreal, QC, in May 2025. We would kindly ask that you circulate the call for proposals attached to this email. The new deadline for submission is February 21st, 2025. Please do not hesitate to write to for any questions. Full details found here.
Call for Papers: Zelikovitz Center Annual Student ColloquiumThe Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies at Carleton University is pleased to invite graduate students and 4th year undergraduates to submit proposals of academic papers for our upcoming 2025 colloquium, Religion: Sacred Spaces, Sacred Places.
Finalists will be invited to present their papers at Carleton on April 10, 2025.
Submissions and inquiries can be sent to by March 1, 2025. Please see poster for more details
From Intention To Action - Mental Health Support ProgramUniversity can be an overwhelming time for students to manage their own personal and academic stressors. Fortunately for Carleton students, FITA is here to help.
From Intention to Action (FITA) assists students in achieving their academic goals and maintaining good academic standing for their degree program. Students in this unique program receive support to better manage stress, incorporate better learning strategies and work towards improving their academic performance. FITA offers students weekly face-to-face appointments with an assigned coordinator for 12 sessions, while also facilitating connections with other on-campus services.
If you may be interested in FITA, please visit our website ( for more information about the program and services offered.
If you have questions or would like to book an intake appointment, please visit to book an Intake Appointment. Should you have any other questions, please email or by calling the Assistant Manager, Alley St. Louis at 613-520-2600 ext. 1028.
Department Speaker Series: Cultivating Community with Amanda Shankland
Please join us for the next event in our Department Speaker Series as former Political Science Ph.D. student Dr. Amanda Shankland discusses her new book, Cultivating Community: How discourse shapes the philosophy, practice and policy of water management in the Murray-Darling Basin.
The event will be held on Thursday February 13th at 2:30pm in Loeb A602. Coffee and cookies will be served. Please register here:
Cultivating Communitydissects the prevailing environmental discourses shaping water policy in the Murray–Darling Basin in southeastern Australia and assesses their implications for the environment and farming communities. Drawing on five months of extensive field research among farmers and Murray–Darling Basin Authority officials, Dr Shankland presents a nuanced understanding of farmer perspectives within the broader policy discourse. By examining the interplay between environmental discourses and farmer knowledge, Shankland sheds light on how different ideologies shape policy decisions and, subsequently, impact water management practices.
Amanda Shankland is a post-doctoral fellow in Water Management at Toronto Metropolitan University. She has a PhD from the Department of Political Science at Carleton University. Dr Shankland specializes in research on social ecology, food sovereignty, water management, and rural development and has spent her career working towards advancing the goals of ecologically sustainable agriculture through political reform.
Carleton English Graduate Student Society: Blind Date with a Book SaleHosted by the Carleton English Graduate Student Society: Blind Date with a Book
Join us for a book sale! Pick a wrapped book based on a few intriguing clues and discover a new literary love. Whether you're a bookwork, in need of a gift, or just looking for a fun way to celebrate Valentine's Day, take a chance on love. We've got novels, poetry, anthologies, and more. Drop by for all your second-hand book needs.
February 13, 1-4PMNideyinàn Galleria, Carleton UniversityCash Only
Psychology Annual Research EventOn Thursday February 13th, 2025 the Department of Psychology will host it’s Annual Research Event! We will be joined by Dr. David Trafimow from New Mexico State University. Dr. Trafimow will be presenting a talk titled, ‘Drawing Better Conclusions from Empirical Research: Pre-Data and Post-Data Strategies. The talk will be followed by a reception. If you plan to attend, please register here. We hope to see you there!
CANCELLED: Celebrate Douglass Day 2025 with the CCPH
Gaza Lives ForeverJoin us in celebrating Gazan’ resilience and steadfastness, and their moving return to their honoured homes and land.
Together in community, we will celebrate their unyielding spirit through shared food, reflection, and arts-based resistance, including live music, poetry and dabke.
When: Tuesday, February 25, 5:30-7pmWhere: Dunton Tower 2017
PhD Speaker Series Workshop and Lecture 2025
Register here.
Carleton’s Tax Clinic is Open for Students!Worried about filing your taxes this year? Don't be! The Sprott Tax Students' Association (STSA) is here to help with our free annual tax clinic.To file your taxes at the clinic this March, you must first fill out our client intake form. We will contact you shortly afterwards with the details of your appointment and what to bring. The tax clinic will be held on campus from March 24 to March 29.If you have any questions, please send an email to
The Ages Foundation Research Bursaries2025 Scholarship and Bursaries Applications Now Open!We support diverse, inclusive and equitable practices and approaches to environmental issues as we work toward meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples (self-identified and status First Nations, Métis & Inuit) of Turtle Island. We encourage applications from Indigenous students utilizing Indigenous and/or Western knowledge systems and methodologies.We recognize that historical and present-day barriers exist that disadvantage Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour (BIPOC) pursuing higher education. To support BIPOC graduate students making environmental contributions through science, art, and diverse inquiry, the Ages Foundation Fellowship includes a designated BIPOC award.$15,000 will be distributed annually through this application process and awards will be given out in the following amounts: one (1) $5,000 award, one (1) $5,000 BIPOC award, and up to five (5) $1,000+ bursaries depending on the total number of outstanding applications received. You can learn more about this program and download information and an application form here.
There are currently no opportunities. Please check back soon!
The Department of Anthropology at Université LavalAssistant or Associate Faculty Position in Indigenous StudiesThe Department of Anthropology at Université Laval (Quebec City, Canada) invites applications for a tenure-track, full-time teaching and research position in the Indigenous Studies.
Deadline for submitting files is February 14th, 2025. Appointment is for June 1st, 2025.
A complete description of the position to fill is available at Université Laval
Teaching Term Appointment, Department of Sociology Memorial UniversityThe Department of Sociology at Memorial University is hiring a 9-month teaching term appointment for teaching in the Fall 2025 and January 2026 semesters. The successful candidate will teach the following six courses:
Fall 2025SOCI 1000 Introduction to Sociology (Online) SOCI 2210 Communication and Culture (In Person) SOCI 3160 Contemporary Social Theory (In Person)
Winter 2026SOCI 1000 Introduction to Sociology (Online) SOCI 3290 Deviance (Online)SOCI 4212 Sociology of Policing (In Person)
Applicants should highlight any teaching and research expertise that aligns with these teaching areas, or other relevant educational and professional experiences that make them well-suited to teaching these courses.In most cases, the successful candidate will have a completed PhD in Sociology or status as a Doctoral Candidate (i.e., "ABD"). In exceptional cases, other educational credentials (e.g., a master’s degree in Sociology) may be an acceptable qualification if paired with evidence of prior teaching excellence.
Applicants must submit:1. a curriculum vitae,2. a letter of interest outlining relevant teaching and/or research experience, and3. the names and contact information of three referees.
Memorial University is committed to employment equity, diversity, inclusion and antiracism, and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including: women; people of any sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression; IndigenousPeoples; visible minorities, and racialized people; and people with disabilities. All applicants are invited to identify themselves as a member of an equity-deserving group(s) as appropriate. Applicants cannot be considered as a member of an equitydeserving group(s) unless they complete an employment equity survey. Memorial is committed to providing an inclusive learning and work environment. If there is anything we can do to ensure your full participation during the application process please contact directly and we will work with you to make appropriate arrangements.
We acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University's campuses are situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups, and we acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi'kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province.
The deadline for applications is February 18, 2025. To apply, please click Here
For further details on this appointment, please contact the Head of Sociology, Professor John McLevey, at