Greg Brown
Dr. Gregory R. (Greg) Brown is a Fulbright Scholar and was Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, within the School of Science, Health & Criminal Justice at the State University of New York, until his retirement in 2022. He spent 2016-2017 as a Fulbright Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Criminal Justice at the University at Albany (New York) and from 2019 to 2021, Dr. Brown was a SSHRC postdoctoral research fellow at the Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime & Security within Osgoode Hall Law School (York University). Greg's doctoral dissertation, To Swerve and neglect: De-policing throughout today's front-line police work , interrogated contemporary issues in rank-and-file policing from the perspective of 3,600 officers at 23 police departments across Canada and throughout the State of New York.
Greg has facilitated courses and seminars at the undergraduate and graduate levels in law, legal studies, criminal justice, criminology, and sociology at Carleton University, the University of Ottawa, the State University of New York, the University at Albany, and Memorial University of Newfoundland - in addition to delivering practitioner policing courses through the Ontario Police College and assisting on the Ontario Crown Attorney's homicide prosecution course.
Research Interests
Various issues within contemporary policing and the criminal justice system, including: police use of force, new visibility technologies in front-line police work, police body-worn cameras, today's public--police relationship, procedural justice and police legitimacy, the phenomenon of de-policing and risk-averse practices among today's front-line officers, research methods and data integrity in studies involving front-line police officers.
Selected Publications
Brown, G. (2020). Police body-worn cameras in the Canadian context: Policing’s new visibility and today’s expectations for police accountability. In (Newell, B., ed.) Police on Camera: Surveillance, Privacy, and Accountability: 122-148. New York: Routledge.
Brown, G. R. (2016) The blue line on thin ice: Police use of force modifications in the era of camera phones and YouTube. The British Journal of Criminology, 56(2): 293-312.
Brown, G.R. (2017) A dialogue of collaboration: Cooperation in Canadian policing research today. Police Practice and Research, 18(6): 528-543.
Courses Taught
SOCI 4850 Contemporary Problems in Sociology
SOCI 4410 Advanced Studies in Criminology
SOCI 2450 Crime and Society
SOCI 3410 Studies in Criminal Justice
LAWS 4303 Drugs, the User, and the State
LAWS 4304 Police and Social Survellance
LAWS 4305 Criminal Justice Reform