Tania Cruz Salazar is a researcher at the National Research System in Mexico, Level II. She is part of the Academic Group for Migration and Cross-Border Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur and was a member of the Academic Group for the Study of Gender. She has been a professor at different Universities in Chiapas (UNICH, UNACH, UPN, UNICH). She was well a professor-researcher at the University of California in Santa Cruz, at the Free University of Berlin, and at the University of Granada in Spain. She was awarded the Monarch Award in 2011 by UCMEXUS and a scholarship holder from the German Academic Service in 2010.
Juventudes Indígenas en México. Estudios y escenarios socioculturales, 2020.https://www.ecosur.mx/libros/producto/juventudes-indigenas-en-mexico-estudios-y-escenarios-socioculturales/
Cruz, T. (2021). Young Indigenous Migrants from Southern Mexico in The U.S. Ana VILA FREYER and Liliana MEZA GONZÁLEZ. Young Migrants Crossing Multiple Borders to the North. London. Transnational Press London. pp. 20. https://www.tplondon.com/product/young-migrants-north/
Sáenz-Boldt, C.M., Pinheiro-Barbosa, L., Cruz, T.2021. Pedagogica da semente do movimento zapatista: semeadura e crescimento de um sujeito poli´tico coletivo. Revista Praxis Educacional. 17 (46). https://doi.org/10.22481/praxisedu.v17i46.84921-24
Núñez-Aguilar, J.I., Cruz, T.2021. Buenavistita en Maryland. Un enclave étnico en la migración internacional. Frontera Norte. 33. https://doi.org/10.33679/rfn.v1i1.215023