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Meysoon AminPh.D. Anthropology studentAreas of Interest: Meysoon is a recent graduate of the MSc program in Capacity Development and Extension at the University of Guelph. Following the completion of her master’s thesis on upland rice cultivation and gender empowerment, she has had the opportunity to work with several NGOs in her native Sudan, as well as many local organizations focused on agribusiness development. As a Ph.D student she hopes to conduct research on the geopolitical, economic and social aspects associated with gender-sensitive rice learning and technology adoption within rural communities. Geographic areas of interest include: Sub-Saharan Africa and Sudan.
Jasmeet BahiaPh.D. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: White supremacy; white rage; white fright; race wars; white male shooters; gun control; post-colonialism; anti-racism; racism in academia.
Ariel BechererPh.D. Sociology with Collaborative Specialization in Political EconomyAreas of Interest: Political Economy. Social Reproduction Theory. Racial Capitalism. Class in settler colonial contexts. History of Energy workers and Energy Infrastructure in British Columbia. Democracy. Power. Dispossession. Intersectionality.
Simon BirchM.A. Anthropology student
Deanna BogaskiPh.D. Anthropology studentAreas of Interest: Environmental anthropology; resource development and management; environmental change; built adaptation; Canadian Indigenous peoples; settler- colonialism; decolonization; food sovereignty; sustainability; policy implications; human- nature relationships.
Juan CaicedoPh.D. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: Juan’s research focuses on how labour, organizational, and political dynamics influence the institutional cultures of North American teachers’ unions. More broadly, he's interested in how the work done by teachers and others involved in education helps us to rethink the challenges and possibilities of revolutionary social change in the twenty-first century. He holds an M.A. in Political Science from York University, where his major research paper examined the intersection of pedagogy, labour, and governance among Mexico’s Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities and Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Chicago. Areas of interest include: Marxism, teachers’ organizations, social movement unionism, the political economy of education, education and inequality, and social reproduction.
Hannah CrousePh.D. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: Sociology of aging; sexuality; gender; dementia; critical disability studies; community-based research; housing; grief; death and dying; end-of-life.
Eleanor DemchenkoM.A. Anthropology student
Gabrielle DuvalPh.D Sociology StudentAreas of Interest: Science and technology studies, social media, social psychology, behavioural studies, actor network theory, social construction of technology, sociology of health and medicine, quantitative and qualitative methodology.
Jared EppPh.D. Anthropology studentAreas of Interest: Phenomenology; mental health; homelessness; anthropology of psychiatry; negotiation of self and identity; alterity; otherness; intersubjectivity; addiction; ethno-cultural differences of self- mental illness and healing; diaspora; indigeneity; urban anthropology; social work practices.
Gabriela Ludwig GuerraM.A. Sociology StudentAreas of Interest: Digital Surveillance, Security, Pacification, Marxism
Seamus HodginsPh.D. Anthropology studentAreas of Interest: middle-classness; Mainstream North American culture; anthropology of consumption; the Ontario craft beer community; identity; political economy.
Rachel JobsonPh.D. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: crip theory; queer theory; crip/queer futurity; marriage and the family; conjugality and conjugal law; polyamory/ethical non-monogamy; mononormativity; kink studies; gender and sexuality; critical disability studies; chronic pain; disability and sexuality; social constructions of deviance; ethics of care; anticapitalism; parenting; mutual aid; anarchism; care networks and non-normative families; ethnography; law and social regulation.
Joy Nyokabi KaringePhD in Anthropology with collaborative specialization in African StudiesAreas of Interest: Joy is a writer, researcher, and scholar activist. She holds an M.A in Pan African Studies, International Relations and a C.A.S in Conflict and Collaboration from Syracuse University, USA as well as a B.A in International Relations from USIU-Africa. Joy is passionate about Africa in governance, development, democracy and international affairs and carries out research and advocacy on these issues through her organization, Afrika Yangu. She wrote an award winning master’s thesis, “Towards Decolonization: Migrated Kenyan Archives and the Politics of Knowledge Production”. As a PhD student, Joy hopes to conduct research on youth protests and social movements in Africa, with a focus on how the 2024 Gen Z protests influenced political consciousness and identity among young Kenyans.
Meighan ManteiPh.D. Anthropology studentAreas of Interest: Meighan Mantei holds a Bachelor of Social Work (2003) and a Master of Social Work (2012). She is currently a Ph.D. student in Anthropology with a specialization in Political Economy at Carleton University. As a social worker, Meighan is committed to the pursuit of social justice through feminist practice and research. In her master’s research, Meighan engaged with young women and girls from Burma participating in a work-study program in a refugee camp on the Thai-Burma border. Her thesis explored the meaning of weaving in the lives of women and girls as they transitioned from Burma to Thailand to Canada. Her current research seeks to understand the meanings of girl and girlhood, and how these social categories are negotiated and lived by young women in rural communities. She is specifically interested in how concepts of gender, race, class, and age are experienced by rural girls in places that are heavily tied to resource extraction and agribusiness.
Morgan McAllisterPh.D. Anthropology studentAreas of Interest: Fat women, critical disability studies, feminism, medical anthropology, public health, morality, body size diversity, fat activism.
Christine MoreauPh.D. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: Rural sociology; political economy of rurality; political activist research; Atlantic Canada.
Mohammed NijimPh.D. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: Genocide studies, Nakba studies, Indigeneity, North America’s First Nations, Israeli-Arab conflict, culture, social theory, critical political economy, capitalism, power, racism and discrimination, nationalism and Ottoman Palestine.
Arlette Martinez ParraPh.D. AnthropologyAreas of Interest: Food studies, mediatized representations, culinary tourism, digital ethnography, globalization, sensory ethnography. Arlette’s research focuses on the impact of culinary tourism in Oaxaca, Mexico by exploring the intersections of tourism, digital technologies, national identity, and consumption. She is particularly interested in the commodification of 'cultural authenticity’ through food and destination marketing.
Reyhab Mohmed PatelPh.D. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: Storytelling; Art and Religion; Islamophobia; Fashion; Sartorial Practices; Arts-based methodology; research creation; social movement
Dante PioM.A. Sociology with Collaborative Specialization in Accessibility.Research Interests: Accessibility; Critical Autism Studies; Critical Disability Studies; Film, Television, and Video Games; Hermeneutic Phenomenology; Higher Education; Neurodiversity Studies; Popular Culture; Social Media.
Monserrat Ramirez RuvalcabaM.A. Student in Sociology Research Interests: international students; acculturation; cultural negotiation; mental health and wellbeing; education; interpretative phenomenological analysis; and immigration
Rana SaadiM.A. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: EDI, the perspectives of allyship from BIPOC students, and the experiences of International students living in Canada
Erin ScottPh.D. Anthropology studentAreas of Interest: Canadians' relationships with nature, environmental degradation, and nature tourism, and the impact of those factors on environmental activism in younger generations.
Joanis SherryPh.D. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: Citizenship education; critical pedagogy; critical multiculturalism.
Kirsten StaceyM.A Anthropology student Areas of Interest: As a non-Indigenous person with lived experience in an Indigenous foster system, my research focuses on the impact of Canadian policies—particularly those governing the Indigenous foster care system in Toronto—on the identities of biracial youth. I aim to explore the intersections of race, culture, and policy, by investigating how state-driven categorizations influence self-perception and cultural connection. By focusing on youth's lived experiences, I would like to highlight the gaps in current policies and advocate for a more inclusive approach that respects the complexities of biracial identities.
Carole H. TherrienPh.D. Anthropology studentAreas of Interest: Carole's academic interests focus on those phenomena and factors that create the forces of change and resilience. Over the course of a Master’s in Philosophy (Humanities) at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, Carole looked at the concepts of empire and postmodernism and how they wove into language and art. Her final thesis addressed how contemporary experiential art is a harbinger for political change and may prove to be the new “church” for young generations. Her interests now lie where climate change meets political and cultural change, how the political deals with ever-happening environmental changes, and how cultures address the concept of resilience. Carole is a Fellow with the School of Graduate Studies at Memorial University and completed undergraduate studies in economics at the University of Ottawa.
Cheyanne ThomasPh.D. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: Cheyanne Thomas is a band member of Couchiching First Nation in Treaty 3. She has recently received an MA in Social Justice Studies from Lakehead University and has an undergraduate degree in Indigenous Studies from Trent University. Her research interests are Indigenous Women's Roles, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Reconciliation, Social Justice, and Post-Colonial studies. She has experience with many social justice organizations; as an employee of the Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic, and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Northwestern Ontario and the Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario.
Jaclyn TompalskiPh.D. Sociology studentAreas of Interest: Originally from Edmonton, Jaclyn worked in corrections throughout her undergraduate degree. Her broad research interest is in vulnerable groups in Canada. As a proud member of the Indigenous community, she is specifically interested in initiatives that support Indigenous communities and reconciliation. Her past research experience has focused on housing challenges for urban, Indigenous youth; housing challenges for formerly incarcerated seniors; incarceration of Indigenous persons, and the lived experience of persons living in long-term care. Her other research interests include corrections, alternatives to incarceration, institutions, long-term care, and Indigenous methodology.
Vanessa TuryatungaPh.D. Anthropology studentAreas of Interest: Religion and Modernity; African Feminism(s); Religion and Spirituality in Africa; African Traditional Religions (ATR); Public narratives around religion, witchcraft, and traditional religious practices in Uganda (and Sub-Saharan Africa more broadly); Practitioner narratives and lived experiences of traditional religious practices.
Veronica Vicencio-DiazPh.D. Anthropology studentAreas of Interest: Veronica recently received an M.A. in Anthropology at Carleton University. Veronica's master's thesis research titled "Gender and sexual fluidity in Veracruz, Mexico" explores how queer Mexicans from the towns of Poza Rica and Coatzintla in Veracruz, Mexico make queer-worlds possible for themselves. Transfering her fieldwork to Ottawa, Ontario, in her research as a Ph.D. student she hopes to examine the ways in which queer Latinas negotiate and challenge white spaces in the city. She seeks to understand not only how queer migrants contest gender and sexual policing, but also how these individuals create, maintain and reinforce social connections, social support, agency and identity based-pride. Her areas of interest include: critical race theory, feminist studies, gender and queer studies, Chicano(a) and Latinx studies, identity politics, diaspora, performativity, migration, and globalization.
Andy Zubac CoyneM.A. Sociology StudentAreas of interest: Disability Justice, the neurodiversity movement, transgender participation in sport, community building