Dong Ngo: Master of Public Policy and Administration

Pursuing a career in government has been a goal of mine since I was young. I believe the best way to contribute back to and improve society is through effective public policy. I pursued my undergraduate in public sector management at Dalhousie University which provided me with a balanced perspective of how to manage both public and private sector organizations. Upon completing my degree, I wanted to learn more about the public service and develop practical skills that would enable me to craft policy and navigate through the internal workings of the public service.
I chose to pursue my masters through Carleton’s MPPA program for two reasons. First, I was impressed with the program’s course offerings and the diverse academic backgrounds of the faculty. Secondly, the flexibility of the program gives me the option to pursue independent research. All of these reasons satisfied what I wanted to achieve from a master’s in public policy— to acquire in depth knowledge of specific topics in public policy with the option of pursuing independent research in public sector reforms.
Despite these unprecedented times, my experience at Carleton has been great. One aspect of the program that has stood out to me is the strong sense of belonging and support that exists throughout the student body. Even though we are separated by provinces and come from different backgrounds, we have been able to come together and form the connections we ordinarily would have made in person. I’m excited to see what lies ahead for both my peers and our program.
Dong was a member of the 2022 gold-winning Carleton case competition team.