Jules Morden, MPPA

Jules Morden, MPPA

I recently finished my undergraduate degree in Political Science at the University of the Fraser Valley, a small university based in BC. During that time, I worked as a research assistant on two projects examining patient safety in Canadian healthcare and the intersections of race, gender, and indigeneity in care outcomes. This experience with hearing patient voices firsthand inspired me to continue my research and pursue further studies in public policy.

I chose Carleton University because I knew Carleton would offer me a top-rate education and opportunities to learn more on the job through practical work experience. Since starting the program this Fall 2020, I have been hired by Dr. Frances Abele to work as a research assistant on the Rebuilding First Nations Governance Project. While just getting started, the work has already been very rewarding. This year has been a unique one to navigate, but I appreciate Carleton’s faculty who have been encouraging and empathetic regarding the changes we have all had to make moving online. That, and our cohort has found ways to support each other online as well. Looking ahead, I am excited about the many upcoming opportunities that will help me grow professionally.