Pam Provis, MPPA

Pam Provis, MPPA

I have many friends and colleagues who have graduated from SPPA and I have heard many stories throughout the last 15 years about the quality of academia and calibre of professors. Consistent feedback year after year is a good indicator of a respected school. Covid forced/allowed me to slow down and think strategically about my learning path and how I want to continue my career in contributing to a greater good. After reviewing the various course options and the quality of professors in SPPA, it seemed like a natural fit.

It is daunting to go back to school after 15 years, and even more daunting to tackle this program while also juggling a full-time job and personal life, but the flexibility of course options has made this such a smooth transition back to student life.I am a life-long learner and believe strongly in continuous development by pushing myself out of my knowledge comfort zone. It is an honour to be surrounded by such diverse thinking in this program. It allows me to challenge my own thinking and acquire new perspectives. I am also really excited about being back on Carleton University campus, and learning from this incredibly diverse group of thinkers – students and professors alike. Navigating Carleton University is very different than when I graduated from my undergrad at Carleton in 2006 fifteen years ago, which is exciting in itself.