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SPPA to host Canadian Health Economics Conference June 1-2, 2022

Richcraft Hall with O-Train crossing bridge over Rideau River

The School of Public Policy and Administration is pleased to announce that it will host, in coordination with the Department of Economics, the Faculty of Public Affairs and in collaboration with the University of Ottawa, the 20th Canadian Health Economists Study Group (CHESG) conference on June 1 and 2, 2022.

CHESG is the main event of the health economists community in Canada, and we are very proud of the stellar keynote speakers line-up for this year: Prof. Kjell G. Salvanes from the Norwegian School of Economics, Prof. Meredith Rosenthal from Harvard University, as well as Federal Minister of Health The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos. Associate Profs. Mehdi Ammi (SPPA) and Myra Yazbeck (Economics, U of O) are the local organizers.

Please visit CHESG website for more information and updates on the conference.