Alex Mallett talks to the Globe and Mail
SPPA faculty member Alexandra Mallett talks to the Globe and Mail about government approach aimed at growing the clean energy economy in the ‘Big Idea’ section of the June 2023 the Report on Business magazine, titled “Money for nothing?“.
Mallett finds herself thinking about whether the government’s appetite for the blockbuster deal—not just VW, but also last year’s $5-billion Stellantis-LG Energy joint venture, or a $220-million investment announced earlier in the spring by the Canada Infrastructure Bank in EV charging stations—will obscure the need for driving investment into smaller-scale (i.e. less newsworthy) clean energy and clean electricity startups. Ottawa’s rich new programs are “a very convenient way for the government to think big and to think about jobs and so on,” she says. “But if we don’t allow for alternative forms of innovation to be a part of the process, then it really is a missed opportunity.”
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extracted from the June 2023 edition of the Globe and Mail Report on Business magazine